28 April 2024

Team Bumblebee emerges as Champion at Singapore AUV Challenge 2024

Congratulations to Team Bumblebee who won the Singapore Autonomous Underwater Challenge (SAUVC) 2024 that was held on 5-8 April 2024!

Competing against over 100 teams from top institutions across 20 countries, Team Bumblebee logged over 400 hours of in-water testing for their competition vehicle, focusing on integration of new sensors and communications equipment to perform competition-specific tasks. They were the only team that attempted and succeeded in the bins pick-up task, and managed to complete every task with impressive precision despite being the slowest vehicle in the qualification round.

Team Bumblebee also participated in the bonus round held at the Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS) in NUS where their competition vehicle emerged as the only one that successfully navigated underwater currents and waves through a gate in a controlled pool setting that simulated challenges faced by autonomous underwater vehicles in an ocean.