CDE4301A Ideas to Start-up

Pre-accelerator Final Year Project: Supporting student start-ups, empowering innovations

Formerly coded as EG4301A, CDE4301A Ideas to Start-up is offered to final year undergraduate students in the Innovation & Design Programme who are interested to pursue commercialisation of their project ideas. This two-semester module builds upon the principles of the Lean LaunchPad and the Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework to accelerate students’ understanding of the entrepreneurial process and enables further development of their ideas/projects into viable and sustainable ventures. In the process, students will learn to identify the customer and market, develop a minimum viable product (MVP) using design and engineering skills that they have garnered throughout their undergraduate study and design a viable business model. Students will also learn the mechanics of company building, for example company formation, fund raising and intellectual property strategy.

External investors, start-up founders, mentors and lawyers are invited to the classes to enable students to learn from their experience and feedback first-hand. At the end of the two semesters, the students deliver an investment pitch on demo day to potential investors.

Workload: 12 units (modular credits) across two consecutive semesters from August to May

Module Description Classes

What people are saying about the module

EG4301A is a fantastic course that helped to expose myself to market validation techniques for deep tech and engineering related ventures. Prior knowledge from the class allowed me to hit the ground running and commercialise a Medtech spin-off with a team of clinicians, scientists and engineers immediately after graduation and continues to form the backbone of how I view and solve problems.

Amos Heng, 2019 Alumnus, Cofounder of FathomX

It is my actual privilege to work with VRObs to develop virtual birth delivery training solution that will benefit medical students and nurses who don’t have practice on real life people anymore.

Prof Mary Rauff, O&G senior consultant of NUH, VRObs industry partner

I really like to congratulate the education from NUS to able to train students in this particular program to not only do what they are doing but at least know what they do not know. This is extremely useful when you really spin off that you know where to get help.

SC Cheong, startup mentor, Managing Director of Mdesign Solutions

Demo Day 2021

Four student start-up teams delivered their investment pitch and showcased their MVP during the Demo Day at Engineering Auditorium.

Eg4301a Demo Day 2021 Web S


Introduction to EG4301A


MediVR Pitch


Granted Pitch


LookUp Pitch


ConcreteAI Pitch


Closing Remarks

Demo Day 2020

Six student start-up teams delivered their investment pitch and showcased their MVP during the Demo Day via Zoom.

Virtual Photo
Virtual class photo taken during Demo Day


Dr. Khoo Eng Tat
Dr. Jason Lin



VR Childbirth Simulator for Medical Students


The Sensible Company

Inventory Analytics and Automated Stocktaking for Hospital



Mechanical and Sustainable Battery for e-Mobility Industry



Roomba for Ship Hull Cleaning



Autonomous Harvesting Vehicle for Farms


Terran Space Technologies

3D Printed Microthruster for CubeSat


Closing Remarks

Start-up projects from inaugural cohort in 2019



Smart cooling


Project 21



Fall risk assessment for elderly

CRM for insurance sales team



VR medical training


Subtle Safety

Workplace safety solution