
Students may apply to any Engineering programme in NUS with the Second Major in Innovation & Design, i.e. a double-major programme. Successful applicants will be admitted into the Innovation & Design Programme during matriculation. Admission requirements into the Engineering programmes with the Second Major in Innovation & Design for various qualifications may be found here.

Students who are unsure whether to join the Innovation & Design Programme at matriculation may apply during the end of their first or second semester in NUS. Email invitations will be sent out to eligible students when the application period is open in each semester, which is normally around March/April and October/November.

Students from non-Engineering majors may apply during the end of their first or second semester in NUS during the application period in each semester. Email invitations will be sent out to eligible students via their home departments or faculties.


Admission for current NUS students (August 2024 intake)

Application for current NUS students (Cohorts AY2022/2023 and AY2023/2024) will be re-opened on 15 July 2024.

Watch this space for the link to the application form!

Admission for freshman students (August 2024 intake)

Application for incoming freshman students (Cohort AY2024/2025) will be open on 15 July 2024. We are also planning for a talk for freshman students on the same week.

Watch this space for the link to the application form and details of the iDP freshman talk!