CDE3301 Ideas to Proof-of-Concept

Formerly coded as EG3301R DCP Project / Ideas to Proof-of-Concept, this two-semester project module focuses on conceptualisation, implementation and realisation of a product solution to solve an identified problem while providing experience in an integrated product design and development process where technology plays a central role.

Through lecture classes, studio sessions and an open-ended project, students learn how to create a product idea to address a problem of interest, generate and evaluate concept designs, and build proof-of-concept prototypes for user testing. Students also learn how to work in a multidisciplinary team and with various stakeholders, manage the execution of their project, and document and present their work through appropriate mediums.

After completing this module, students should be able to:

  • Craft clear and compelling problem statement, value proposition and design statement/strategy for a product idea.
  • Define customer needs statements and translate them into product specifications and metrics.
  • Generate product concept designs in a systematic manner using various methodologies such as function analysis and morphological charts.
  • Evaluate concept designs in a systematic manner using concept screening, scoring and testing.
  • Create a product architecture to identify the functional and physical elements of a product as well as their interactions with each other.
  • Apply the principles of 'design for X' such as design for manufacturing, design for environment, design for safety, etc. in developing a product idea.
  • Build, test and iterate functional proof-of-concept prototypes to communicate and assess the performance of a product idea.
  • Project manage and work effectively in a design team comprising members from different disciplines.
  • Conduct secondary research using relevant literature to support the development of a product idea.
  • Document and present a product idea and its proof-of-concept prototypes through various written, oral and visual mediums.

Examples of projects completed by students in CDE3301 / EG3301R may be found on our projects page.

Workload: 12 units (modular credits) across two consecutive semesters

The EDIC Project Showcase 2023 featured the work of students in EG3301R who completed their year-long design projects at the end of the August 2023 semester. Find out more about their projects that were presented to members of the NUS community, industry partners, and the public during the event.

The Innovation & Design Programme held its first project showcase for EG3301R on 11 November 2022. A total of 36 project teams were exhibited to students, alumni, faculty members, and industry partners and the event was live-stream via our social media channels. Take a look at the projects on our showcase page!