CDE4301 Innovation & Design Capstone

Formerly coded as EG4301 DCP Dissertation, this final year project course is the culmination of a student's learning journey in the Innovation & Design Programme. In this course, students will learn how to apply and integrate knowledge and skills acquired from preceding courses to pursue an area of innovation in a design or research project. The project may be a continuation or extension of a preceding one to deliver an integrated, improved, and optimised solution to the original problem of interest, or a fresh project that arises from a new design problem or research question. Students are expected to demonstrate a high level of independent inquiry in their project, while at the same time working effectively with their project team members and mentors.

In this course, students are expected to be able to:

  • Identify and formulate a problem/question of interest.
  • Propose a solution/study to address the problem/question through the use of appropriate methodologies.
  • Implement the proposed solution/study.
  • Assess whether the proposed solution/study effectively addresses the problem/question based on appropriate performance indicators.
  • Draw meaningful conclusions and make improvements to methodology or proposed solution/study based on proper analyses and interpretation of results/observations.
  • Present and defend their work in the appropriate written and verbal forms.
  • Perform their work in a timely, professional and independent manner.

Workload: 12 units (modular credits) over two consecutive semesters

Examples of projects completed by students in CDE4301 / EG4301 may be found on our projects page.

The iDP Project Showcase 2024 highlights the work by students in the Innovation & Design Programme who completed their final year projects in the January 2024 semester. There were close to 40 projects from about 100 final year students, spanning a wide range of themes such as healthcare, mobility, sustainability, smart living, intelligent systems, and immersive reality. Find out more about their projects that were presented to more than 200 attendees comprising members of the NUS community, industry partners, and the public.

The iDP Project Showcase 2023 highlights the work by students in the Innovation & Design Programme who completed their final year projects the January 2023 semester. Their projects span various themes such as healthcare, mobility, sustainable cities, smart living, intelligent systems, and immersive reality. Some of our students who were pursuing commercialisation of their project ideas through our Ideas to Start-up final year project course also pitched their start-up ideas during the showcase.

Find out more about the projects shown at this showcase, watch the project pitches by our student start-up teams, and see live demonstrations of their prototypes!