Second Major in Innovation & Design: Cohort AY2021/2022

The Second Major in Innovation & Design consists of a series of project-based courses/modules that run throughout a student’s candidature. Students are expected to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities in innovation and design in a cumulative manner through these courses/modules.

The learning journey begins with lower-level courses/modules that introduce students to basic concepts in innovation and design, and culminates in a major design project and a final year project where students are expected to apply their design knowledge and skills to develop solutions to real problems. Students will also take a number of Innovation & Enterprise electives to widen their knowledge about topics in design, business, and entrepreneurship.

The requirements of the Second Major in Innovation & Design are as follows:

Modules Remarks
Group A – complete ONE of the following:

    • EG2201A User-Centred Collaborative Design (4 units/MCs)
    • EG2310 Fundamentals of Systems Design (4 units/MCs)
Default is EG2201A. Students who are required to take the introductory course/module DTK1234 Design Thinking should pass the module before embarking on EG2201A.

EG2310 is meant for students who intend to work on projects in complex engineering systems.

Counted as unrestricted elective.

Group B – complete ONE of the following:

    • EG2301 Value Creation in Innovation (4 units/MCs)
    • EG2311 Introduction to Space Systems (4 units/MCs)
    • EG2606B Independent Work (4 units/MCs)
Default is EG2301. Course/module is formerly known as Case Studies in Innovation.

EG2311 is meant for students who intend to work on satellite-related projects.

EG2606B is reserved for students in special competition projects only.

Counted as unrestricted elective.

Group C – complete 8 units/MCs from the basket of Innovation & Enterprise electives. Generally counted as unrestricted electives.

Some modules may be double-counted between the Second Major and a student's primary major.

 EG3301R Ideas to Proof-of-Concept (12 units/MCs) Course/module is formerly known as DCP Project.

Generally counted as unrestricted elective.

This module replaces the design project course/module in Biomedical Engineering and Engineering Science.

EG4301 DCP Dissertation (12 units/MCs) or EG4301A Ideas to Start-up (12 units/MCs) Replaces Integrated Project course/module in the common curriculum for Engineering majors.

May replace honours thesis course/module in some non-Engineering majors (or vice-versa).

Students who missed the Group A and Group B courses/modules Semester 2 and Semester 3 respectively may clear these courses/modules in a later semester.


Students from Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Materials Science & Engineering who are planning to take the Group A module EG2201A may do so in Year 1 Semester 2 after clearing DTK1234 in the preceding semester. Students from College of Humanities and Sciences who have cleared DTK1234 in Year 1 Semester 1 may also read EG2201A in Year 1 Semester 2.


Students from Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Science, Industrial  & Systems Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering who are planning to take the Group A module EG2201A may do so in Year 2 Semester 1 after clearing DTK1234 in the preceding semester. Students from College of Humanities and Sciences who are scheduled to take DTK1234 in Year 1 Semester 2 will also read EG2201A in Year 2 Semester 1.


Students who are planning to take the Group A course/module EG2310 should do so in Year 1 Semester 2 as the course/module is offered in Semester 2 only of each academic year.


Students who are in the Engineering Scholars Programme and poly-intake students in Engineering majors who are exempted from one year’s worth of courses/modules (38 units/MCs) may follow a three-year timeline.


Students who participate in the NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programmes may map some of their NOC courses/modules to the Second Major. Students may also enrol in a specialisation or a minor on top of their primary major and the Second Major in Innovation & Design. However, those who do so may need to graduate with additional courses/modules above and beyond the minimum 160 units/MCs needed for graduation.

Click on the links below for more details about the requirements and recommended semester schedules for various Engineering and non-Engineering primary majors with the Second Major in Innovation & Design.

NOTE: Watch this space for updates as the recommended schedules may be revised from time to time.

Engineering majors

Non-Engineering majors