Bin Point: A novel approach for promoting recycling in HDB estates

Bin Point Web

Key components of Bin Point

Bin Point

Physical prototype of Bin Point

Project Motivation

Solid waste management is a pressing problem in Singapore because of land scarcity and the increasing amount of solid waste disposed over the past 15 years. While the non-domestic recycling rate has been high, the domestic recycling rate has stagnated at 21% from 2014 to 2016 which is a far cry from the national target of 30% by 2030. There is an urgent need to improve domestic recycling rates in order to extend the lifespan of Singapore’s only landfill and also reduce future costs of waste management. However, the current method of recycling in HDB estates is prone to high levels of contamination, while the Cash for Trash programme covers only selected areas and may not be convenient for residents because of its fixed collection timings and locations. Therefore, this project aims to explore a solution to increase the recycling rates in HDB estates which can effectively address the problem of contamination, makes it convenient for HDB residents to recycle, and rewards them for their efforts in order to promote a habit of recycling.


Bin Point is a 3-in-1 system which encourages users to develop a habit of recycling by looking at their entire recycling journey. Starting with Collect, users are given color-coded containers which can be used to store and segregate recyclables within their homes, and an easy-to-use shelf which allows them to stack these containers in a neat fashion and with minimal footprint. Then, whenever a container is full users can bring the container down to the nearest collection point below their HDB block and Deposit their recyclables in a convenient manner. By simply placing the container on top of the correct compartment on the collection point, the collection point will recognize the type of recyclable and owner of the container using a unique RFID tag on the container, empties the container and weighs the amount of recyclables deposited into the collection point, and sends this information to a central server. Lastly, users Earn points which are awarded based on the amount of recyclables. These points can subsequently be used to redeem rewards such as shopping vouchers through a mobile application. The mobile application also helps users to keep track of their recycling history, provides information to help users distinguish between recyclable versus non-recyclable materials, and educates them on good recycling practices through periodic quizzes through which they can earn extra points.

Project Team


  • Don Ng Wei Jie (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2020)
  • Michelle Felicia (Civil Engineering, Class of 2020)
  • Ng Tian Xun (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2020)
  • Tse Qing Le Benjamin (Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2020)
  • Wee Sang Hui (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2020)
