MSc Programme Requirements

Students in the MSc Engineering Design & Innovation programme need to complete a minimum of 40 units comprising:

  • 20 units (for Cohort AY2022/2023) / 24 units (for Cohort AY2023/2024 onwards) of core courses, including a major year-long multidisciplinary design project.
  • 20 units (for Cohort AY2022/2023) / 16 units (for Cohort AY2023/2024 onwards) of elective courses, with at least one elective course from each of the three baskets (Design, Enterprise, and Technology).

Students also need to achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in order to graduate, and meet other continuation requirements stipulated by the University for coursework-based programmes.

This MSc programme is offered on a full-time basis only and should be completed between 12 and 18 months (i.e. two or three regular semesters).

Core Courses

These courses provide an introduction to key topics in engineering design and innovation. It includes a major, year-long multidisciplinary project in which students are required to work in a team to define a problem to address and create a proof-of-concept prototype of a solution to the problem.

Course code Course title Units Semester in which course is usually offered
CDE5301 * Major Design Project 12 January and August (for all intakes)
CDE5302 Design Thinking and Product Development 4 January (for January 2024 intake)

August (for August 2024 intake)

CDE5303 Engineering Systems Design 4 August (for January 2024 intake)

January (for August 2024 intake)

CDE5304 Ideas to Market 4 August (for January 2024 intake)

January (for August 2024 intake)

* Note: This course runs over two consecutive semesters.

CDE5301 Major Design Project (formerly coded as EG5303)

This is a course in which students will work in multi-disciplinary groups to work on a major design project. The problem statement for the project may be self-proposed or it may be provided by industry partners who are keen to work with students on complex challenges which they are facing. In the design process, students will start with understanding stakeholders, developing a mission statement, ideating on the possible design solution and finally prototyping. Students will be expected to apply their understanding of design thinking and engineering systems design to deliver on the project.

CDE5302 Design Thinking and Product Development (formerly coded as EG5302)

This course is an opportunity for graduate students to hone fundamental and practical skills in design thinking and product development. Students will learn the roles of design thinking in value creation, product design, discovery of business opportunity and bridging the gap between problem discovery and solution validation. Students will also gain perspectives in both physical and digital product design through representative works of prominent product and user experience (UX) designers. Students will be immersed in a group design project on emerging themes for example digital health, immersive reality, future of transportation and agri-tech, to solidify the knowledge they learned in the course.

CDE5303 Engineering Systems Design (formerly coded as EG5301)

This core course considers the ever-increasing complexity of modern products and introduces the application of systems engineering methodologies and tools in designing and developing such products. Students will learn the fundamentals of system engineering and the methodologies and tools that are commonly leveraged when considering real life wicked problems.

CDE5304 Ideas to Market

This course is created for students who are already working on a concept product/solution in CDE5301 Major Design Project to enable them to explore commercialisation of their product/solution. In this course, they will learn how to identify potential customers, discover unmet market needs, develop a scalable business model, and create a market launch plan for their product idea using the Adaptive Innovation framework. The final outcome will be a pitch of their product idea to relevant stakeholders including potential investors. This course therefore serves to empower students to make commercialisation decisions which are most relevant for innovation.

Elective Courses

Students have flexibility to read elective courses which best suit their interest and aspirations, while at the same time ensuring they have sufficient exposure to a wide range of topics. Students must choose at least one course from each of the three baskets of electives (Design, Enterprise, and Technology).


Course code Course title Units Semester in which course is usually offered
BN5501 The Biodesign Process of Innovation in Healthcare 4 August
CDE5311 Essential Skills of AI UX and UI Design 4 August
ID5354 Design Strategies and Leadership 4 January
ID5355 Collaborative Design 4 January
ID5951 Emerging Topics in Design 4 August
IE5301 Human Factors in Engineering and Design 4 August
NM5219 Critical Design 4 January
CDE5399D Engineering Design & Innovation Internship 4 August, January and Special Term


Course code Course title Units Semester in which course is usually offered
IE5003 Cost Analysis and Engineering Economy 4 January
MT5001 Intellectual Property Management & Innovation Strategy 4 August
MT5012 Marketing of Technology Products in the Digital Era 4 August
MT5022 Digital Disruption and Technology Strategy 4 January
MT5023 Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Strategy 4 January
MT5911 Venture Capital Funding for TechVenture 4 January
MT5920 Enterprise Development 4 Augusta and January
CDE5399E Engineering Design & Innovation Internship 4 August, January and Special Term


Course code Course title Units Semester in which course is usually offered
BN5101 Biomedical Engineering Systems 4 August
BN5208 Biomedical Quality and Regulatory Systems 4 August
CDE5312 Beyond the Surface: Exploring Interactive Wearables 4 August
CEG5204 Smart Sensing Systems 4 January
CEG5205 AI Sensors and Virtual/Augmented Reality Technologies 4 August
CEG5301 Machine Learning with Applications 4 August and January
ESE5901 Environmental Technology 4 January
ME5608 Additive & Non-Conventional Manufacturing Processes 4 August
ME5612 Computer-Aided Product Development 4 January
CDE5399T Engineering Design & Innovation Internship 4 August, January and Special Term

Students should check NUSMods for more information about the courses listed above and whether they are offered in the current academic year.

Internship course

CDE5399D/E/T is an elective internship course for students who wish to spend one semester or the Special Term working on a full-time internship. These are the requirements for the internship course:

  • The minimum duration of the internship must be 12 weeks, with a full-time workload in a pre-approved company in Singapore. Internships outside Singapore do NOT qualify. Students are expected to seek their own internship opportunities.
  • The internship can only be credited once (either CDE5399D/E/T) and will be in lieu of one elective course in the respective elective basket. Students must still complete at least one non-internship course for each basket.
  • The internship course will be assessed via 2 reports during the entire duration of the internship. The 1st report should be submitted around Week 6 of internship while the 2nd report to be submitted at the conclusion of the internship. The final grade will be either CS/CU (completed satisfactory or unsatisfactory).
  • The internship can start anytime as long as it does not interfere with the full-time coursework during a semester.
  • Each internship is subject to approval. Students must seek approval at least 4 weeks before the planned commencement of internship.

Other elective courses

Students have the option to read up to 8 units of elective courses which are not currently listed in the three baskets above. However, they should take note of the following considerations:

  • The elective courses have to be relevant to this MSc EDI programme and hence shall be subject to approval. The elective courses have to contribute to substantial knowledge/skills in Design, Enterprise, or Technology.
  • The workload for each course should be at least 4 units.
  • The elective courses can only be requested during the appeal period of the Course Registration (CourseReg) exercise. This will be subject to approval by the host department of each course. The appeal period typically comes at the end of the CourseReg period i.e. Round 3 onwards.
  • Students must seek approval from the MSc EDI programme director by Round 1 of CourseReg in each semester before submitting requests via CourseReg for the courses.