Borderless: Connecting hearts, bridging worlds

Museum-going is a social experience, but conventional museums do not facilitate the connection between strangers. Currently, technology to connect people virtually across borders is inadequate in its immersiveness.

Borderless is an immersive experience that allows people from different physical spaces to seemingly exist on the same plane, bridging spatial borders. The main innovation of Borderless is the MetaMirror – a one way mirror that reflects yourself while projecting someone present in another space. Together with this technology, we have curated an experience that allows strangers to self-reflect and forge social connections to boost well-being. This immersive solution promises to enable museums to broaden their reach and augment the experiences they can offer.

Project Team


  • Madhoosudhan Saravanan (Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2024)
  • Song Yang Ting (Biomedical Engineering, Class of 2023)
  • Subbu Surya (Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2023)
  • Syed Ozair Ul Hasan (Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2023)
