Mind Peek: Interactive exhibit for emotional wellness

Many people are unaware about the influence their emotions can have on others. However, there are few museum exhibits that promote emotional wellness. Moreover, it is challenging to convey emotions within a conventional museum environment.

Mind Peek is AI-powered exhibit that can identify emotions in real time. It comprises a visual display of interactive coloured orbs manifested from our emotions, influencing the experiences of others around us. The exhibit provides a tranquil environment for visitors to unwind and reflect on their well-being and emotions.

Project Team


  • Janessa Song Mun Yoong (Chemical Engineering, Class of 2023)
  • Joanne Chandini Joseph (Biomedical Engineering, Class of 2023)
  • Lucas Tay Hao Yang (Biomedical Engineering, Class of 2023)
  • Ng Yu Zhe (Chemical Engineering, Class of 2023)
