Novel VR/MR haptic gesture and UI

The use of virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) is increasingly popular in various fields due to its increased applicability, portability, quality and affordability. However, there are still limitations with current methods of interactions in VR/MR, especially for mid-air freehand interaction method which lacks haptic feedback.

This project explores the design of a VR/MR user interface (UI) using buttons with haptic and pseudo-haptics feedback. The haptic and pseudo-haptics feedback are deployed for line tracing in a VR/MR environment, and haptic feedback is used for selection of distant objects in the VR/MR environment.

Project Team


  • Aung Myint Oo (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2023)
  • Chen Tianze (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2023)
  • Yu Danshu (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2023)
