Terran Space Technologies: Propulsion solution for nano-satellites

Project Motivation

Satellite development and launch is costly, hence satellite operators need satellites to be operational for as long as possible. Having on-board propulsion helps satellites stay in orbit for longer, thus increasing the return on investment on the satellite.

Design Solution

A 3D-Printed micro-thruster package which facilitates movement of nano-satellites in space. The thruster package includes the thruster head, the propellant handling system and the propellant storage tank. Thrust generation is based on electrothermal technology and uses water as propellant.

Main customers are nano-satellites operators, especially those who develop satellite constellations (that provide services such as satellite imagery or network connectivity).

Thruster package in nano-satellite


Key components of thruster package


Project Team


  • Gaikwad Anushka Ashish (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2020)
  • Rachiket Arya (Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2020)
  • Vairaman Ramanathan (Electrical Engineering, Class of 2020)
  • Yeoh Jun Kai (Physics, Class of 2021)
