Upcoming Projects

Regardless whether you are enrolled in the Innovation & Design Programme as a Second Major or Minor, we welcome all students who are keen to engage in real-world projects with peers from different disciplines and industry partners to work with us. Our year-long project courses CDE3301 Ideas to Proof-of-Concept, CDE4301 Innovation & Design Capstone, and CDE4301A Ideas to Start-up are open to all NUS students.

Projects for CDE4301 Innovation & Design Capstone (AY2024/2025 Semesters 1 and 2)

Incoming Year 4 students who are enrolled in the Innovation & Design Programme as a Second Major may complete their year-long final year project course CDE4301 Innovation & Design Capstone (formerly coded as EG4301 DCP Dissertation) in the August 2024 and January 2025 semesters. For students in Engineering majors, CDE4301 automatically fulfils the Integrated Project pillar in the CDE Common Curriculum.

Incoming Year 4 students who are NOT enrolled in the Innovation & Design Programme are also welcome sign up for CDE4301. Those in Engineering majors make take CDE4301 in lieu of other final year project courses to fulfil the Integrated Project pillar in the CDE Common Curriculum, while students from other majors can take CDE4301 as an unrestricted elective. Those who are interested to sign up for CDE4301 and work on these projects can write in to idp-query@nus.edu.sg by 14 June 2024.

Projects for CDE4301A Ideas to Start-up (AY2024/2025 Semesters 1 and 2)

This pre-accelerator final year project course is designed for students who are interested to pursue commercialisation of a product or solution for which they already have some initial ideas and/or prototypes. The course covers the principles of the Lean Launchpad and the Disciplined Entrepreneurship frameworks to accelerate students' understanding of the entrepreneurial process and enables further development of ideas into viable and sustainable ventures. In the process, students will work in a team and learn to identify customers and markets, determine the business model for the product or solution, and develop a minimum viable product (MVP). Students will also learn the mechanics of venture creation, for example company formation, fund raising and more.

Incoming Year 4 students who are enrolled in the Innovation & Design Programme as a Second Major may enrol in CDE4301A (formerly coded as EG4301A) in lieu of CDE4301 in the August 2024 and January 2025 semesters. For students in Engineering majors, CDE4301A automatically fulfils the Integrated Project pillar in the CDE Common Curriculum.

Incoming Year 4 students who are NOT enrolled in the Innovation & Design Programme are also welcome sign up for CDE4301A. Those in Engineering majors make take CDE4301A in lieu of other final year project courses to fulfil the Integrated Project pillar in the CDE Common Curriculum, while students from other majors can take CDE4301A as an unrestricted elective. Those who are interested to sign up for CDE4301A can write in to idp-query@nus.edu.sg by 14 June 2024. Students can sign up as a group or as individuals, and individual students may form a group at the beginning of their CDE4301A project.