College of Design and Engineering

CDE Community Day

The CDE Office of Student Life proudly presents to you our first Community Day to promote therapeutic, sharing, sustainable and vibrant community. Together, we aim to build a connected, supportive and inclusive student community. Join us as we bring to you a wide array of interesting and fun activities ranging from art jamming to switch […]

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iDP Annual Project Showcase

The Annual iDP Project Showcase will be highlighting the students’ and alumni’s achievements. The showcase will be featuring innovative multidisciplinary project groups working in areas including healthcare, sustainability, mobility and immersive reality. JC and secondary school students are invited to join the in-person event. You can also livestream the event through the following links: YouTube: CDE Innovation

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Master of Arts in Urban Design (MAUD) 25th Anniversary Ceremony

Since the establishment in 1997 as the first-of-its-kind program in Asia, Master of Arts in Urban Design Program (MAUD) at National University of Singapore has cultivated numerous leading urban designers with strategic visions and creative thinking skills for 20+ countries. To celebrate this milestone and look ahead tremendous challenges of the built environment in this

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Beyond charge currents: spin and ion currents for future data storage and computing technologies

The era of computing technologies based on charge currents is coming to an end after more than forty years of exponential increases in computing power and data storage that have been largely based on shrinking devices in two dimensions. A new era of “Beyond charge!” will evolve over the next decade that will likely be based

Beyond charge currents: spin and ion currents for future data storage and computing technologies Read More »

Art x Tech workshop

Art Tech 2022 is a 4-day workshop, 6 Dec 2022 (Tue) – 9 Dec 2022 (Fri) for local Pre-University students to engage with artists and CDE students while exploring the creative boundaries of technology and art. The highlight of the workshop is the creation of original art by the student participants with the aid of

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Short Course for Educators: Applying Design Thinking in the Classroom

2-day complimentary short course open to all MOE educators and Education & Career Guidance (ECG Counsellors) conducted by our CDE instructor. Learn and apply design thinking teaching pedagogies into the classroom to encourage creative thinking process through the learning journey and hands-on prototyping activities. Earn a certificate and gain the opportunity for professional development. This

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MOE Teacher Work Attachment Plus (TWA+) Programme

CDE is offering 14 attachments opportunities from 8 of our undergraduate programmes. During the 2 weeks attachment, teachers will participate in a wide range of activities including hands-on laboratory learning, site visits, working with ongoing research teams, and observing lectures conducted by CDE professors. Gain first-hand insights into the undergraduate curriculum, teaching pedagogies and research

MOE Teacher Work Attachment Plus (TWA+) Programme Read More »