For continuation of candidature, a student must obtain satisfactory progress during his/her candidature as follow:
- All MSc programmes except MSc (Supply Chain Mgt):
- academic probations/warnings:
- probations/warnings are issued to students if GPA < 3.00; &
- academic dismissal to students if:
- in the 1st semester of study, the GPA < 1.50 ; or
- for 2 consecutive semesters of study, GPA < 2.50; or
- for 3 consecutive semesters of study, GPA < 3.00
- fail to meet the minimum proficiency grade for a repeated core/foundation course.2
- MSc (Supply Chain Mgt) students:
- academic probations/warnings:
- probations/warnings are issued to students if GPA < 3.00; &
- academic dismissal to students if:
- in the 1st semester of study, the GPA < 2.00; or
- for 2 consecutive semesters of study, GPA < 3.00
The above rules on probation/warning and dismissal shall also apply to a candidate on an exchange programme, and/or a candidate on leave of absence of one semester or longer. If a candidate is given an academic probation/warning prior to his leave, the probation/warning prior to his leave shall count towards dismissal.
A student cannot repeat a previously passed NUS module for which the student had previously obtained a passing grade in his/her 1st attempt, either from current/previous course of study within NUS (including CET, SCALE, undergraduate, exchange or postgraduate studies) unless approved by student’s home department and course host department for the purpose of attaining the minimum proficiency level of their core/foundation grade for his/her current graduate programme. Students permitted to repeat a core/foundation course to meet minimum proficiency level for their programme should have obtained a B- grade and below for the first attempt; can only repeat the same course once only, and up to 8 Units of such course(s) in their entire candidature. However, programmes with pre-approved conditions should take precedence. Students who did not secure the minimum proficiency grade for a repeated core course will be dismissed from the programme.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory courses shall be excluded in determining the academic warning of a student.
Students must complete their requirements for their degrees within their maximum period of candidatures, failing which they will have their candidatures dismissed.
Students who fail to register for courses by the 2nd instructional week of the semester shall be deemed that they are no longer interested in their graduate programme and will have their candidatures dismissed.