21 December 2023

Book on Singapore’s modernist architecture wins Colvin Prize

The book by Assoc Prof Chang Jiat Hwee (left) was commended for its ingenuity in exploring Singapore from different angles.
The book by Assoc Prof Chang Jiat Hwee (left) was commended for its ingenuity in exploring Singapore from different angles.

A book co-authored by Associate Professor Chang Jiat Hwee (Dept of Architecture) on modernist architecture in Singapore has been awarded the prestigious Colvin Prize for 2023 by The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB).

"Everyday Modernism: Architecture and Society in Singapore", published by NUS Press in 2022 and co-authored with Justin Zhuang and photographer Darren Soh, sheds light on lesser-explored aspects of modernist architecture in the nation and aims to address gaps in the study of modernist buildings.

Structures featured in the book range from public school buildings to multi-storey car parks, pedestrian overhead bridges, public housing projects, cinemas as well as shopping centres.

The award was announced during the SAHGB's Annual Awards Ceremony on December 15, 2023.

The Colvin Prize, established in 2017, acknowledges exceptional works of reference in architectural history and is named in honour of Sir Howard Colvin, a former president of the society.

In their award citation, the SAHGB jury commended the authors for creating a broad-scoped work, praising its ingenuity in exploring Singapore from different angles.

“The insightful text and specifically taken photographs combined to make a book that is eminently readable, a model for similar studies, accessible to a wide audience and an invaluable and lasting work of reference,” they said.

Founded in 1940, the SAHGB is one of the world’s leading subject and professional associations for architectural history and architectural historians.

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