4 November 2020

Focus on Indoor Environmental Air Quality at WorldGBC Health and Wellbeing Summit


Do you know the quality of the air in your room now?

This was one of the questions posed to attendees of the WorldGBC Health & Wellbeing Framework Launch - Global Summit on 4 November 2020. And alarmingly, more than 80% of the attendees responded that they do not know.

Organised by the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), the global summit Session 3 on Indoor Environmental Quality sought to explore three components of the new WorldGBC's Health & Wellbeing Framework - Protect health, prioritise comfort and harmony with nature.

With the COVID-19 pandemic bringing the link between the built environment and human health into focus, the Framework's six principles span indoor air quality, human rights in the supply chain, climate change resilience and more.


Professor Tham Kwok Wai from School of Design and Environment Department of Building joined the other esteemed panelists, Hamoda Youssef, Barbara Kreissler, Dr Beatrice Murage, and Josh Jacobs in the insightful discussion on the topic.

Prof Tham shared that COVID-19 highlighted the importance of governance of spaces.

"Governance is meant for wellbeing and protection of general public in places where people do not have the empowerment to do for himself. It comes in the form of sharing responsibility, down to the particular environment, where the person in charge must do his best to ensure the exposure in indoor environment - which is the largest environment that we are exposed to, is not creating impediments to productivity."

Prof Tham, who is Director of Building Energy Efficiency Hub@NUS and Past President of International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) also shared that although we might not be able to see COVID-19 virus and other indoor contaminants, it is important to realise they exist, and that we act towards effective mitigation.

"Even though we do not see or may not be aware of the indoor pollutants that we are exposed to, it is important for us to know that it is there. Knowing that it is there, we must be guided by the need for ventilation, filtration…appropriate disinfection, and bring the whole repertoire of technology together, so that when working in concert, they may actually make the environment much safer and healthier, not only for well-being or productivity but also for our livelihood."

Click to watch the full WorldGBC Health & Wellbeing Framework Launch - Global Summit now!


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