22 August 2023

SDE1 and SDE3 win Singapore Institute of Architects awards

Originally built in the 1970s, SDE1 and SDE3 were redesigned and retrofitted incorporating NetZero, low-energy green architectural elements. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)
Originally built in the 1970s, SDE1 and SDE3 were redesigned and retrofitted incorporating NetZero, low-energy green architectural elements. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)

SDE1 and SDE3, two redesigned and retrofitted NetZero energy buildings on the CDE campus, have been presented with two Architectural Design Awards by the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA).

The annual awards are the most prestigious award conferred by the SIA to promote and encourage distinction in architectural design.

The awards, in the Educational Community Buildings category and the Alterations and Additions category, were presented at the SIA’s annual dinner on August 21.

SDE1 and SDE3 were formally launched in February this year. Originally built in the 1970s, a landmark initiative saw the two buildings redesigned and retrofitted with modern, Netzero and low-energy, green architectural elements.

The award was presented to leaders of the project team at the SIA's annual dinner.
The award was presented to leaders of the project team at the SIA's annual dinner.

In its awards citations, the SIA said: “The jury appreciated the emphasis on the importance of adaptive reuse in contemporary architecture and appreciated that the handsome proportions and language of the existing building had been retained and improved on, through the introduction of a façade consisting of strategically modulated geometric motifs. The project serves as an exploration of novel means to redefine building functions, showcasing innovative approaches to architectural design and sustainability, whilst celebrating the layers of authorship.”

After receiving the awards, Dean's Chair Associate Professor Erik Gerard L'Heureux (Dept of Architecture), design lead of the SDE1 and SDE3 project said: “The SDE1 and SDE3 development rethinks the value of adaptive-reuse by investing in the agency of architecture to create beautiful and highly performative buildings. Everything in the design is visible, open, and accessible for students and faculty to learn from and teach from. The transformation of SDE1 and 3 offers an encapsulation of the future of architectural education in Singapore, and we are delighted to receive this important design award.”

He added: “I would like to thank the numerous parties, including everyone at NUS and in the professional teams involved, who contributed to bringing this design into reality.”

With inputs from architects, designers, and engineers, the interdisciplinary project aims to serve as a model for adaptive reuse.
With inputs from architects, designers, and engineers, the interdisciplinary project aims to serve as a model for adaptive reuse.

Work to retrofit the two buildings resulted from an academia-industry collaboration between CDE and CPG Consultants with the goal of transforming the buildings' usable space, creating inspiring architectural quality and incorporating innovative building features for improved energy efficiency and comfort in a tropical climate.

With inputs from architects, designers, and engineers, the interdisciplinary project aims to serve as a model for adaptive reuse in Singapore’s built environment and beyond.

Together with the neighbouring SDE4 building – which has itself won numerous awards for innovative design - SDE1 and SDE3 form NUS' first building cluster targeting net-zero energy and super low carbon.

The project team behind the SDE1 and SDE3 renovation are:

NUS, College of Design and Environment:

Ar. Erik G. L’Heureux, Bertrand Lasternas, Giovanni Cossu, Amanda Mo, Anirudh Chandar, Astrid Mayadinta, Azizul Izwan B. Roslan, Ar. Epiphanie Barli Lie, Harsh Vardhan, Iven Peh, Ar. Joel Tay, Ar. Krista Yeong, Lakshmi Menon, Lee Lip Jiang, Ng Sze Wee, Ong Chan Hao, Ar. Reuben Lim, Stephanie Kui Hui Guat, Zeno Lee, Zuliandi Azli, Zulkarnain M. Zin with Lam Khee Poh, Heng Chye Kiang, Nirmal Kishnani, Wong Yunn Chii, Ho Puay Peng and Koh Yan Leng, Teo Soon Piang Lincoln, Ar. Leong Mei Mei, Yong Loo Koh

CPG Consultants Pte Ltd:

Ar. Tan Shao Yen, Ar. Peter How Kim Lai, Ar. Wong Wai Ying, Ar. Tan Pheng Chee, Ar. Yong Fen Bok, Ar. Liu Li, Ar. Danny Ng Wai Hong, Ar. Patrick Tan Yu-Jin, Ar. Faradilla Binte Zakaria, Ar. Rebecca Khoo Ee Jia

Additional Consultants : 
E2000 Pte Ltd, WSP Consultancy Pte Ltd, Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, IEN Consultants, CCW Associate Pte Ltd, DP Green, Quants Associates

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