NUS Cities Lecture Series 08

Jon Kher Kaw Lecture5

How can Cities become Vibrant - to meet the Climate, Social, and Economic Challenges of Tomorrow?

Cities are increasingly challenged by intertwined and compounded crisis—from pandemics to climate change, and conflict in many regions around the world. How can cities meet today’s economic, social, and climate-related challenges while preparing for those of the future? How can cities provide equality and inclusivity, remain centers of economic growth, and become more resilient to shocks andlow carbonat the same time? 

The lecture will present new analysis from an upcoming World Bank Report, as well as draw lessons and policy insights from various World Bank’s initiatives all over the world. Learn more from Mr. Jon Kher Kaw, Senior Urban Development Specialist with World Bank, at our next NUS Cities Public Lecture!


Date: 19th December 2023, Tuesday
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (SGT)
Venue: Lecture Theatre (LT)421, Level 4, NUS SDE 3, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566

Register before 18th December 2023, 5:00 PM, as limited seats only!

NUS Cities Lecture Series investigates ideas, policies and projects developed by urban experts, which aspire to create sustainable, resilient, and liveable cities.