CDE2501 Liveable Cities

CDE2501 Liveable Cities is a common core curriculum for all students in College of Design and Engineering. This course introduces students to the three outcomes of liveable city as well as the systems of urban planning that are used to achieve these desired outcomes. Using the Liveability Framework (LF) as scaffolding for the course, students explore the themes of Cities for All, Cities in Nature, Smart Cities, and Planning & Governance through seminars.

Within each theme, students delve deeper into topics such as climate change, heritage, inclusivity, planning liveable towns, or urban technology to further understand the components that contribute to developing a liveable city. Seminars are delivered by esteemed and seasoned practitioners who are experts within their field and are able to detail the application of the urban systems approach taken within each of these areas. Beyond seminars, students participate in studio classes that are helmed by a mix of practitioners or professors. Working in teams, studios allow students to employ the theoretical knowledge obtained through lectures and apply it to a particular district of study.

In AY23/24 Semester 2, we also launched our Liveable Cities Best Project Competition to encourage students to build better and liveable cities through their group project within the course. More information about the competition can be found here.

Testimonials from Liveable Cities Alumnus

"This course enabled me to understand more about diversity within the city because it focus on aspects like access to amenities, public transportation, green spaces, and social services that impacts different communities and their quality of life."

Ramachandran Thirusulochani

Biomedical Engineering (Hons)

"This course is insightful as I get to understand the different thought processes by people in the industry."

Lim Yau Dexter

Landscape Architecture

"Liveable Cities taught me that cities comprise of multiple systems which can be seen, demonstrated, illustrated through an intricate interplay of transportation networks, housing developments, green spaces, waste management facilities, and the integration of technology to enhance urban living."

Sherman Lim Kai Xiang

Biomedical Engineering (Hons)