
With a suite of undergraduate, postgraduate, and executive programmes, NUS Cities aims to foster a community of students and professionals who are passionate about developing their knowledge and skills for understanding the City.

NUS Cities offers a unique, interdisciplinary curriculum underpinned by the Liveability Framework (LF) developed by the Centre of Liveable Cities (CLC) to explicate how Cities are governed, planned, and managed. Our goal is to equip students and mid-career urban professionals with the skills to develop liveable, sustainable, and resilient Cities using an urban systems approach.

Programmes are jointly taught by seasoned practitioners, interdisciplinary faculty from departments within and beyond the College of Design and Engineering (CDE), and visiting professors.

Our core module, CDE2501 Liveable Cities, introduces students to how cities are governed, planned, developed and managed to achieve the liveability outcomes of quality of life, sustainable environment and a competitive economy using the case study of Singapore and other cities, through a systems thinking lens. Students will understand the role that urban systems professionals, such as urban policymakers, planners, architects, engineers, real estate consultants and managers play in achieving liveable city outcomes in an integrated way, through combining their individual expertise in different disciplines.

Minor in Cities is centered around understanding and applying the systems thinking approach to achieve a specific definition of liveability, using Singapore as a reference point. Graduates with a Minor in Cities will be equipped with the skills to become urban systems innovators, scenario-planners, and city leaders who address liveability issues within the city through governance and systems-oriented approaches.

Minor in Cities is launched as of AY22/23 Semester 1.

Future Postgraduate Programmes

NUS Cities is in the midst of developing postgraduate courses to teach and train students to govern, plan, and manage cities well. Among the future planned programmes are a Master of Cities, PhD in Cities, and Executive programmes. Register your interest through this form now!

NUS Cities is working closely with other faculties, colleges, universities, and institutions to create synergies within and beyond NUS.
