Engineering in Medicine

The Engineering in Medicine (EiM) platform represents our commitment to harnessing the interface of engineering and design to bring optimised and accessible healthcare innovation to Singapore and the world.

To achieve this commitment, our Faculty has united preeminent minds in areas that span Digital Health/AI, Diagnostics, Robotics, Gamification, Biomaterials, Computational Biomedical Engineering, Imaging, Educational Innovation, and beyond. Together our team is harnessing the common vision of collaboration across the entire NUS community and our industry partners to drive the deployment and adoption of our discoveries in clinical practice.

Our Impact

Our EiM community has a track record bringing our innovations to patients. Examples include:

COVID-19 Diagnostics: Multiple diagnostic platforms that were rapidly ideated and validated following the emergence of COVID-19 (

AI-Personalised Clinical Cancer Therapy: Life-saving advances have been realised through our multiple clinical studies using AI to optimise cancer drug development and patient dosing (

Next-Generation Cancer Diagnostics: Our team members have pioneered novel strategies to rapidly assess for cancer treatment efficacy (

Automating Blood Oxygen Monitoring: Engineering collaborators developed a scalable strategy for large-scale assessment of blood oxygen for COVID-19 community health monitoring (

Optimising COVID-19 Therapy Against Delta Variant: A multidisciplinary community of engineers and clinicians optimised drug combination design against the Delta variant (

Our Vision, Driven by Accessibility

Our approach to EiM harnesses a key element of our unique ecosystem: The accessibility of key stakeholders along the continuum that bridges ideation with adoption.

Bringing practice-changing ideas to fruition, especially in healthcare, takes an extraordinary level of interdisciplinary engagement that reaches far beyond the interface of Engineering and Medicine. Examples of key skillsets enabling our work include:

  • Engineering: Technology Development
  • Medicine: Clinical and Allied Health Expertise
  • Design: Optimising User-Tech Interface
  • Healthcare Economics: Sustaining the Innovation
  • Implementation Sciences: Deploying the Innovation
  • Behavioural Science: How to Maximise Patient Impact
  • Regulatory: Ensuring Safety and Evaluating Evidence

Training Tomorrow’s Visionaries: Our EiM Roadmap

Our EiM Roadmap serves as a foundation for building tomorrow’s visionaries in engineering-driven healthcare innovation.

Our current research discoveries have served as groundbreaking vehicles for transformative education. Importantly, many of our students and trainees have served at the forefront of life-saving outcomes. Stay tuned for stories of innovation and impact enabled by this inspiring community.