NUS, StarHub to Pilot 5G VR and AI Solutions in a Net-zero Energy Building

December 31, 2019

NUS and StarHub have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 12 December 2019 to jointly advance innovation in virtual reality and artificial intelligence solutions over StarHub’s 5G network in NUS’ net-zero energy building located at SDE.

Microsensor implants for 24/7 health monitoring

December 21, 2019

Tiny subcutaneous implants that can continuously measure a person’s blood glucose, heart rate and other physiological conditions are a Holy Grail of modern medicine. A team of NUS researchers has recently made a quantum leap into turning this dream closer to reality. They developed a new wireless reader that is so sensitive to minute changes […]

NUS researchers invent ‘humidity digester’ to keep rooms feeling cool at zero energy cost

December 6, 2019

Asst Prof Tan Swee Ching and his team of researchers from the Dept of Materials Science and Engineering at NUS Faculty of Engineering have invented a novel way to lower the humidity in a room without using energy. They developed a hydrogel which, when combined with some chemicals and a thin carbon mesh, can absorb […]

2D materials for 3D electronics

December 4, 2019

Dean of NUS Engineering, Professor Aaron Thean, explains that two-dimensional (2D) materials like tungsten selenide may be used for cutting-edge transistors and resistive memories, and proposes the possibility to realise new ‘one-transistor one-resistor’ memories in this publication in Nature Communications.

NUS researchers find potential solution to overheating mobile phones

November 30, 2019

Future magnon torque based devices such as this could allow for faster electronic gadgets that require less power and do not overheat Modern computer memory encodes information by switching magnetic bits within devices. Now, a ground-breaking study conducted by researchers from NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering has found a new efficient way of using ‘spin […]

Smartphone device detects harmful algae in 15 minutes

November 6, 2019

The NUS research team behind the novel algae detection device is led by Assistant Professor Bae Sung Woo (centre) who is holding the smartphone platform. With him are two team members: Mr Thio Si Kuan (left) who is holding the microfluidic chip, and Miss Chiang Li Ching Elaine (right) A team of engineers from […]

MOU with TNO to focus on integral urban planning and models for improving next generation logistics and ports

October 22, 2019

The NUS School of Design and Environment, the Centre of Excellence in Modelling and Simulation for Next Generation Ports and Centre for Next Generation Logistics at the NUS Faculty of Engineering have signed MOU with The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research to conduct joint research and development activities.

NUS Engineeing, Keppel and SLNG develop new energy-efficient cooling technology for data centres

October 21, 2019

NUS Engineering joins forces with the Keppel Data Centres Holdings Pte Ltd (Keppel Data Centres) and Singapore LNG Corporation Pte Ltd (SLNG) to develop a novel, energy-efficient and cost-effective cooling technology for data centres. This innovation could further pave the way for more sustainable and compact data centres. With the rapid expansion of cloud-based services, […]

Making biopsies less invasive and more informative

September 11, 2019

A team of NUS researchers has developed a novel technology that could sensitively and accurately detect and classify cancer cells, as well as determine the disease aggressiveness from the least invasive biopsies. With this new technology called STAMP (Sequence-Topology Assembly for Multiplexed Profiling), comprehensive disease information can be obtained faster, at a much earlier stage […]

Carbon dioxide capture technologies to mitigate global warming

July 21, 2019

Associate Professor Praveen Linga from NUS Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering highlights the importance of mitigating carbon dioxide emissions as Singapore begins its post-pandemic recovery, and discusses the future potential of carbon capture technology. Read More

‘Smart’ clothing that boosts wearable tech connectivity and battery life by 1,000 times

July 16, 2019

Most of today’s wearable devices are singularly connected to a user’s smartphone and transmit data via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi signals. These waves radiate outwards in all directions and most of the energy is lost to the surrounding area. This drastically reduces the efficiency of the wearable technology as most of its battery life is consumed […]

Harvesting clean water from moist air

July 12, 2019

Huge amounts of water evaporate from water surfaces such as reservoirs and the open sea each day. To address this issue, especially in water scarce areas, researchers from NUS found an innovative way to harvest water from the humid air above water surfaces. The solution lies in a unique zinc-based water-absorbing hydrogel that was developed last […]