Healthy and liveable cities

Urban liveability is intricately linked to healthful environments. This research thrust aims to establish new knowledge on sustainability, liveability, and human health across all environmental scales in the present global realities of an anthropogenic future. Four research foci will uncover what determines urban liveability and health in a post-pandemic world and will innovate planning and design paradigms to address the determinants of health and wellness while developing capabilities to support a healthy ageing society in liveable and sustainable cities.

Health District investigates the making of safe, health promoting environments across a range of physical scales involving urban planning and urban design. Designing for Health promotes physical, mental, and cognitive health through micro-scale designs as well as the integration of healthcare delivery systems. Environment for Ageing examines interrelated issues to support healthy and purposeful longevity for an ageing population. WELL and Green built upon decades of research that has made significant contributions and impact at both the national and international levels through an integrated approach for healthy indoor environments that are also sustainable and energy efficient.

Underpinned by the twin needs of human centricity and sustainability, this research thrust will play a crucial role in RIE 2025 to attain the national aspirations of the Singapore Green Plan 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.