Peer Student Supporters & Wellness Ambassadors

Peer Student Supporters

Who are we?

We are an interest group comprising of CDE undergraduates and postgraduates who aim TO BE THERE AND ‘SQUARE IT OUT’ with their peers who are in need of a listening ear, or shoulder to lean on. We also aim to promote mental wellness among our peers.


What do we do?

We provide a less formal, friendly and compassionate listening ear to our fellow peers.

Interested to join us?

We are looking for passionate people to join us in supporting our fellow peers.​
If you are keen please apply via this Form, or contact

Wellness Ambassadors

Who are we?

We are students from various nationalities and backgrounds and hobbies, linked together by a common interest in promoting wellness, kindness and wellbeing among our peers.

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What do we do?

We organise fun and engaging activities for students just like ourselves to foster a culture of wellbeing and kindness to ourselves and others. 

Interested to join us?

Are you passionate about health and well-being? We are looking for students who are committed to developing their leadership skills in the health and well-being. If you are keen, please apply via this Form, or contact

Follow us on our social media​: Instagram