Design Scholars Programme

The Design Scholars (D-Scholars) programme is a premier scholarship programme awarded to high calibre individuals who demonstrate academic excellence, present excellent co-curricular activities records and exhibit outstanding leadership qualities.

Eligibility Criteria

Recipients must: 

  • Be Singapore Citizens
  • Be applying for admission to a full-time undergraduate design degree programme:
    • Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
    • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
    • Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design
  • Have strong leadership qualities and potential
  • Have good co-curricular activities record
  • Possess outstanding local qualifications.

Scholarship Benefits

  • 100% of Tuition fees for
    • Bachelor of Arts in Architecture degree (4 years) and Master of Architecture
    • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree (4 years)
    • Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design degree (4 years)
  • S$6,000 annual living allowance.
  • S$2,000 one-time computer allowance upon matriculation.
  • S$5,000 Student Exchange Programme/NUS Overseas Colleges allowance
  • S$3,000 Summer/Winter programme allowance
  • 50% of on-campus accommodation fees for 2 years (including meal plan)
  • Priority admission to a 1-semester Student Exchange Programme (SEP) with one of NUS’s overseas partner universities.
  • Scholarship is bond-free.

Terms & Conditions

  • The D-Scholars Scholarship covers the typical duration of the approved programme of study provided that the student diligently pursues and completes the programme of study within the minimum prescribed time required for its completion. The student's academic performance will be monitored every semester.
  • Students enrolled in the D-Scholars Programme are expected to maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 4.0 and good conduct.
  • Recipients of the D-Scholars Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary, grant, award, or allowance without prior approval from NUS.

Application & Shortlisting Process

  • All eligible applicants who has submitted a scholarship application for NUS Global Merit Scholarship and NUS Merit Scholarship at will be considered
  • Applicants shortlisted for selection interview(s) will be informed via e-mail. Selection interviews will be conducted from late-March onwards.
  • Applicants will be informed of their application outcome via email by late-May


Please submit your enquiries here.