Employer Info

Information for Industry Partners

Internships are a key element of our emphasis on experiential learning. It provides students with an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to practical work situations, gaining valuable work experience, industry knowledge and skills.

It is our hope that students will receive a meaningful and holistic engineering experience at the end of their internships.

Internship Programmes

1. Industrial Attachment (IA)
Minimum 20 weeks in duration.
2. Vacation Industrial Attachment (VIA)
Minimum 12 weeks in duration.

As our Industrial Attachment programmes are credit bearing courses, the internships must be relevant to students’ engineering discipline and offer ample opportunities for students to apply their engineering knowledge.

All internship opportunities have to be submitted as a posting via the NUS TalentConnect (TC) portal under the appropriate Industrial Attachment programme for review by the respective Departments. Once the postings are approved, Employers will be notified and the postings will be published in TC for student application.

Placement Timeline

Programme Term Internship Period Employer TalentConnect Posting Window~# Student Application Window*
Industrial Attachment Semester 1 15 Jul to 29 Nov 2024
26 Dec 2023 to 22 Mar 2024
22 Jan to 19 Apr 2024
Semester 2 6 Jan to 23 May 2025 15 Jul to 18 Oct 2024 12 Aug to 15 Nov 2024
Vacation Industrial Attachment^ Summer Vacation 13 May to 2 Aug 2024
26 Dec 2023 to 22 Mar 2024 22 Jan to 19 Apr 2024

~ Employers will receive an email notification with more details prior to the posting window. Please let us know if you did not receive the email.

# Postings are approved in batches every 2 to 3 weeks. Postings submitted after the closing date of the Employer Posting Window will not be reviewed.

* Upon receiving student applications, please proceed to contact students directly to arrange for interviews. Offers have to be approved under the appropriate Internship Programme and accepted via the NUS TalentConnect to be recognized by the College.

The Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) is responsible for issuing Internship Support Letters for internships under the CFG Vacation Internship Programme (VIP).

Internship Period

Employers are to note that there are official internship periods for each Internship Programme.

Students may start their internships earlier or end their internships later but please ensure that the internships fulfil the official internship period in order to meet the course requirements.

Assessment & Grading

Students will be jointly evaluated by their work supervisor and CDE internship mentor on factors such as professionalism and conduct, verbal and written communication, ability to understand context and apply technical training.

A link to the Internship Assessment Guide will be provided to both students and Employers via the Internship Support Letter.

TalentConnect Recruitment Procedures


  1. Register your company via Sign-up if you have not obtained the complimentary account to the NUS TalentConnect (TC) portal.
  2. Login to NUS TalentConnect at https://nus-csm.symplicity.com/employers/index.php
  3. Click on the 'Create Job Posting' on the right column.
  4. Under 'Position Type', select 'Internships - College of Design and Engineering (Engineering)'. followed by selecting “Yes” to enter into the selection of internship programmes.
  5. Under ‘Restrict Applications/Activate Screening’, select ‘Yes’.
  6. Select the appropriate 'Work Term'.
  7. Under Experiential Learning Placement Type, select accordingly. Please select one type only.
    • Industrial Attachment (EG3611A)
    • Vacation Industrial Attachment (EG3612)
  8. Enter the “Internship / Project Title” and other required information.
    • Please note that selecting relevant Engineering Disciplines determines which departments are required to review and approve the posting. Posting will be published to students of the selected Engineering Disciplines if approved and deemed suitable.
  9. Select your preferred way of receiving student applications/resumes
    • Please remember to select ‘Accumulate Online’ to ensure that the system captures a record of the student applications.
  10. Upon approval by the required departments, all approved postings will have a one month posting duration. The system will remind you via email nearing to the expiry of your postings and you can choose to extend them for another month if they are still available for student application.

Administrative Information


The minimum monthly allowance for BEng students is SGD1,000.

Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions are exempted for NUS matriculated students employed for training approved by NUS during the school term and/or school holiday periods. Refer to the CPF board website for more information.

Contact us

CDE Engineering Careers & Internships team at cde.iacareer.emp@nus.edu.sg