Outgoing Exchange

Outgoing Student Exchange Programme


The Student Exchange Programme is based on the mutual exchange of students between NUS and universities around the world. NUS and each partner university agree to exchange a specified number (usually small) of students per semester, with each student paying tuition fees to their home university only. This enables you to experience an overseas education for a semester or two while paying NUS tuition fees. However, the mutual cap on student numbers, coupled with high demand, means that places at popular partner universities are often heavily over-subscribed.

Furthermore, exchange agreements may be university-wide (covering all NUS faculties and programmes), or limited to a specific programme within a specific faculty only. You may not be eligible for SEP at the same university your friend in another programme can apply to. To ensure you reap the benefits of global exposure through SEP, international students are also not allowed to go on SEP in their home country.

Summary of SEP Information
Units Minimum workload equivalent of 18 units per semester
Duration 1 semester 1 academic year
Eligibility ·   NUS full-time student;

·   Completed at least two* semesters of study;

·   SEP period must not fall in your final semester# of study;

·   GPA of at least 3.0, should not have any grade below ‘C’ (grade point of 2.0) in any course;

·   Clean disciplinary record;

·   Satisfy host institution and host country entry requirements;

·   Sufficient financial means for SEP (you may be required to show documentary proof);

·   Satisfy any other conditions set by your scholarship (refers to non-NUS scholarships);

·   Do not apply for SEP to your home country (eg. do not apply for SEP to China, Taiwan and Hong Kong if you are Chinese national)

Credits transfer Credits are transferred only for courses you pass at partner universities, and have been approved for mapping back to NUS
Grading Overseas Satisfactory (OVS) or Overseas Unsatisfactory (OVU) only – excluded from GPA computation
Tuition Fees Regular NUS semester fees payable

* If you are a polytechnic student admitted directly into Year 2 or an E-Scholar student, you may apply in your first semester.
# If you are in Year 3 double-degree programme (DDP) and would like to go on exchange in Year 4, please seek your home department’s approval.