Double Degree Programme in Engineering & Business Administration


The double degree programme (DDP) in Engineering and Business Administration is a special degree programme that combines two disciplines that have significant synergies. This DDP is designed to develop the core engineering skills of students so that they would fulfill the requisite professional requirements of their chosen engineering fields. At the same time, this DDP will equip students with the necessary business skills and knowledge in the areas of organisational behavior, finance and accounting, marketing, economics, and business law, among others, in order to be successful in the business world. This combination of engineering and business skills will produce a new breed of business-savvy engineers for the marketplace.

Programme structure and requirements

The specific requirements for various cohorts may be found below.

Single honours

Students who are pursuing a single honours DDP (i.e. Bachelor of Engineering with Honours plus Bachelor of Business Administration) need to fulfil at minimum of 182 units the following requirements:

Requirements Units Remarks

General Education courses

  • Data Literacy (4 units)
  • Digital Literacy (4 units)
  • Critique and Expression (4 units)
  • Cultures and Connections (4 units)
  • Singapore Studies (4 units)
  • Communities and Engagement (4 units)
  • These courses are classified as CA and contribute toward the GPA for both degree programmes.
  • Default courses are as follows:
    • Data Literacy: GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data
    • Digital Literacy: CS1010% Programming Methodology (any variant)
    • Critique and Expression: ES2631 Critique and Communication of Thinking and Design
  • Except for Data Literacy and Digital Literacy, these courses can be fulfilled by those from University Town College Programme, Ridge View Residential College programme, and NUS College.

Other CDE Common Curriculum courses

  • CDE2000 Creating Narratives (4 units)
  • DTK1234 Design Thinking (4 units)
  • EG1311 Design and Make (4 units)
  • IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics (4 units)
  • EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning (4 units)
  • EG2501 Liveable Cities (4 units)
  • PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management (4 units)
  • Integrated Project (8 units)
  • These courses/modules are classified as C1 for students whose home Faculty is CDE and C2 for those whose home Faculty is Business.
  • Students who have read the Junior Seminar module (UTC1702%) in Residential College 4 are exempted from this module and must replace it with 4 units of unrestricted electives.
  • Students to choose from curated list of Integrated Project modules for CDE majors.

Engineering major

  • Basket of Mathematics courses (8 units)
  • Internship (10 units)
  • EG2401A Engineering Professionalism (2 units)
  • Engineering discipline-specific core and elective courses (40 units)

56 (with common course)

60 (without common course)

  • These courses are classified as C1 for students whose home Faculty is CDE and C2 for those whose home Faculty is Business.
  • Students in this DDP are NOT exempted from internship. The 10 units of internship can be fulfilled through a combination of approved internship courses.
  • Polytechnic-intake and other students who have received advanced placements credits for the internship requirement will be considered as having fulfilled the requirement.
  • Up to one 4-unit Business specialisation course can be double-counted as an elective course for the Engineering major (discipline-specific).

Business non-credit graduating requirements

  • BPM1701 Calculus and Statistics
  • BPM1702 Microsoft Excel Skills for Business
  • BPM1705 Understanding How Business Works
  • STR1000 Career Creation Starter Workshops
  • STR2000 Career Creation Starter Clinics
  • Global Immersion and Study
  • These courses must be completed within the first semester after matriculation or first semester of commencing the DDP for mid-stream DDP students.
  • Global Immersion and Study may be fulfilled through student exchange, overseas internship, case competition, or study trip.

Business core courses

  • ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers (4 units)
  • BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business (4 units)
  • BSP1703 Managerial Economics (4 units)
  • BSP2701 Global Economy (2 units)
  • BSP3701 Strategic Management (4 units)
  • DAO1704 Decision Analytics Using Spreadsheets (4 units)
  • DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics (4 units)
  • DAO2703 Operations and Technology Management (4 units)
  • FIN2704 Finance (4 units)
  • MKT1705 Principles of Marketing (4 units)
  • MNO1706 Organisational Behaviour (4 units)
  • MNO2705 Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty (4 units)
  • These courses are classified as C2 for students whose home Faculty is CDE and C1 for those whose home Faculty is Business.
  • DDP students are exempted from ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA) if they read ES2631, UWC2101%, or ES1601.
  • BIZ students who withdraw from the DDP after reading ES2631 will be considered as having fulfilled the Critique and Expression pillar, but would have to read ES2002.

Business specialisation courses

16 (with common course)

20 (without common course)

  • These courses are classified as C2 for students whose home Faculty is CDE and C1 for those whose home Faculty is Business.
  • Additional 4-unit Business specialisation course is needed to complete the specialisation if common course between Engineering and Business is not related to the specialisation.

Common course

0 or 4
  • Up to one 4-unit Business specialisation course can be double-counted as an elective module for the Engineering major (discipline-specific).
  • This course is classified as CA and contributes toward the GPA for both degree programmes.

Total (minimum)

182 or 186  

Double honours

Students who are pursuing a double honours DDP (i.e. Bachelor of Engineering with Honours plus Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours) need to fulfil the requirements listed above plus additional 20 units of Business honours requirement:

  • Research option: BHD4001 Dissertation (12 units) in the area of specialisation, and 2 advanced Independent Study courses not related to dissertation research area (8 units) or FSP4003 Field Service Project (8 units).
  • Coursework Option: FSP4003 Field Service Project (8 units), and 12 units of Level-4000 Business courses (of which 8 units must be in the area of specialisation).

Students may seek approval from the NUS Business School to double-count the CDE Integrated Project course toward FSP4003 if they pursue one of the following: 

  • Work on a group project in the CDE Integrated Project course which has a significant business element. The business element will not be graded as a part of the Integrated Project course, but students will require Business to endorse the project scope at the start of the project and submit an additional write-up to BIZ at the end of the project.
  • Read EG4301A Ideas to Start-up (12 units) which is one the choices for the CDE Integrated Project courses. EG4301A covers both technical and business development of new product or service. Each project team in EG4301A typically has between two and four students. For students who choose this option, 8 units from EG4301A will be double-counted towards FSP4003 while the remaining 4 units will be counted as unrestricted electives. EG4301A is offered by the Engineering Design and Innovation Centre under its Innovation & Design Programme.

Depending on whether there is double-counting of Business specialisation courses and CDE Integrated Project toward FSP4003, students will need to complete between 194 units and 206 units for a double honours DDP.

Double-counting of Business specialisation courses

One 4-unit Business specialisation course can be double-counted as an elective course for the following Engineering majors.

  • Biomedical Engineering
    • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization * 
    • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
    • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
    • DOS3711 Strategic Information Systems
  • Electrical Engineering
    • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
    • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
    • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
    • DOS3702 Purchasing and Materials Management
    • DOS3711 Strategic Information Systems
    • FIN3701 Corporate Finance
    • FIN3702 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
  • Environmental Engineering
    • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
    • DBA3711 Stochastic Models in Management
    • DBA3803 Predictive Analytics in Business
    • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
  • Industrial & Systems Engineering
    • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
    • FIN3701 Corporate Finance
    • FIN3702 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
  • Materials Science & Engineering
    • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
    • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
    • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
    • DOS3702 Purchasing and Materials Management
  • Mechanical Engineering
    • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
    • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
    • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management

Students from Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Engineering Science will not be able to double-count the Business specialisation courses toward their Engineering major as these majors only comprise core courses (i.e. there are no technical electives within the 60 units required for these majors).

(* NOTE: DBA3701 is mutually precluded with IE2110 Operations Research I)

Single honours

Students who are pursuing a single honours DDP (i.e. Bachelor of Engineering with Honours plus Bachelor of Business Administration) need to fulfil the following requirements:

Requirements Units Remarks

General Education courses

  • GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning (4 units)
  • GEQ1000 Asking Questions (4 units)
  • Human Cultures (GEH) (4 units)
  • Singapore Studies (GES) (4 units)
  • Thinking and Expression (GET) (4 units)
  • These courses are classified as CA and contribute toward the GPA for both degree programmes.
  • These courses can be fulfilled by those from University Town College Programme, Ridge View Residential College programme, and University Scholars Programme.

Engineering core and elective courses 

  • Refer to list of core and elective courses for each Engineering major

88 or 92

  • 88 units for all Engineering majors except Civil Engineering which requires 92 units.
  • These courses are classified as C1 for students whose home Faculty is CDE and C2 for those whose home Faculty is Business.
  • Students in this DDP are exempted from compulsory internship for the Engineering major. The units for internship can be fulfilled using free/unrestricted electives (if necessary).
  • Additional Engineering courses are needed to fulfil this requirement if students choose to read less than 20 units of common courses (see below).

Business preparatory courses

  • BPM1701 Calculus and Statistics
  • BPM1702 Microsoft Excel Skills for Business
  • BPM1705 Understanding How Business Works
  • STR1000 Career Creation Starter Workshops
  • STR2000 Career Creation Starter Clinics
  • Global Immersion and Study
  • These courses must be completed within the first semester after matriculation or first semester of commencing the DDP for mid-stream DDP students.
  • Global Immersion and Study may be fulfilled through student exchange, overseas internship, case competition, or study trip.
  • Students whose home faculty is not Business will be granted a waiver for STR1000 and STR2000 if they have passed both CFG1010 Roots & Wings 1.0 and CFG1002 Career Catalyst. There is no partial waiver or new substitution.

Business core courses

  • ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers (4 units)
  • BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business (4 units)
  • BSP1703 Managerial Economics (4 units)
  • BSP2701 Global Economy (2 units)
  • BSP3701 Strategic Management (4 units)
  • DAO1704 Decision Analytics Using Spreadsheets (4 units)
  • DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics (4 units)
  • DAO2703 Operations and Technology Management (4 units)
  • FIN2704 Finance (4 units)
  • MKT1705 Principles of Marketing (4 units)
  • MNO1706 Organisational Behaviour (4 units)
  • MNO2705 Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty (4 units)
  • These courses are classified as C2 for students whose home Faculty is CDE and C1 for those whose home Faculty is Business.
  • DDP students are exempted from ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA) if they read ES2531, UWC2101%, ES1601, or UTW2001%. DDP students from Computer Engineering must read ES2002 if they have not read UWC2101%, ES1601, or UTW2001%.

Business specialisation courses

8 (Cohort AY2018/2019)

4 (Cohorts AY2019/2020 and AY2020/2021)

  • These courses are classified as C2 for students whose home Faculty is CDE and C1 for those whose home Faculty is Business.
  • It is not compulsory for DDP students to do a specialisation for the Business degree. Students who wish to specialise in a business area may have to read extra courses to meet the respective specialisation requirement. DDP students whose home Faculty is Business will be required to do a specialisation if they withdraw from the DDP and return to the single degree programme in Business.
  • Additional Business specialisation courses are needed to fulfil this requirement if students choose to read less than 20 units of common courses (see below).

Common courses

  • ES2531 Critical Thinking and Writing or ES2631 Critique and Communication of Design and Thinking (4 units)
  • Two common Engineering courses (8 units)
  • Two common Business courses (8 units)
  • These courses are classified as CA and contribute toward the GPA for both degree programmes.
  • Students who read less than two common Engineering and/or two common Business courses must complete additional courses for their Engineering major and Business specialisation. 
  • Each common Engineering/Business course that is not read must be replaced by one additional course for the Engineering major and one additional course for Business specialisation. Students should check with their home department in CDE and the NUS Business School on these additional courses that can be used to replace the common courses. 

Total (minimum)

182 or 186
  • 182 units for all Engineering majors except Civil Engineering which requires 186 units.

Double honours

Students who are pursuing a double honours DDP (i.e. Bachelor of Engineering with Honours plus Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours) need to fulfil the requirements listed above plus additional 20 units of Business honours requirement:

  • Research option: BHD4001 Dissertation (12 units) in the area of specialisation, and 2 advanced Independent Study courses not related to dissertation research area (8 units) or FSP4003 Field Service Project (8 units).
  • Coursework Option: FSP4003 Field Service Project (8 units), and 12 units of Level-4000 Business courses (of which 8 units must be in the area of specialisation).

Common Engineering and Business courses

Engineering major Engineering courses that can be counted as common courses Business courses that can be counted as common courses
Biomedical Engineering
  • EE3801 Data Engineering Principles
  • IE2110 Operations Research I *
  • IE2130 Quality Engineering I ^
  • IE4240 Project Management
  • MT4002 Technology Management Strategy
  • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
  • DOS3711 Strategic Information Systems
  • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
Chemical Engineering
  • CN5111 Optimization of Chemical Processes
  • CN5191 Project Engineering
  • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
  • DOS3711 Strategic Information Systems
  • DBA3711 Stochastic Models in Management
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
Civil Engineering
  • CE5603 Engineering Economics & Project Evaluation
  • CE5804 Global Infrastructure Project Management
  • TP5026 Transportation Management & Policy
  • TP5027 Transport & Freight Terminal Management
  • TP5028 Intermodal Transportation Operations
  • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
  • DBA3711 Stochastic Models in Management
  • DBA3803 Predictive Analytics in Business
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
Computer Engineering
  • EE3801 Data Engineering Principles
  • EE4211 Data Science for the Internet of Things
  • EE4802 Learning from Data
  • CS4244 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ^
  • EE3031 Innovation & Enterprise I
  • IE2110 Operations Research I *
  • IE2130 Quality Engineering I ^
  • MT4002 Technology Management Strategy
  • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
  • DOS3702 Purchasing and Materials Management
  • DOS3711 Strategic Information Systems
  • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
  • FIN3701 Corporate Finance
  • FIN3702 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Electrical Engineering
  • EE3801 Data Engineering Principles
  • EE4211 Data Science for the Internet of Things
  • EE4802 Learning from Data
  • CS4244 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ^
  • EE3031 Innovation & Enterprise I
  • IE2110 Operations Research I *
  • IE2130 Quality Engineering I ^
  • MT4002 Technology Management Strategy
  • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
  • DOS3702 Purchasing and Materials Management
  • DOS3711 Strategic Information Systems
  • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
  • FIN3701 Corporate Finance
  • FIN3702 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Environmental Engineering
  • CE2183 Construction Project Management
  • CE5603 Engineering Economics & Project Evaluation
  • CE5804 Global Infrastructure Project Management
  • SH5402 Advanced Safety, Health & Environment Management
  • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
  • DBA3711 Stochastic Models in Management
  • DBA3803 Predictive Analytics in Business
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
Industrial & Systems Engineering
  • IE2110 Operations Research I *
  • IE2130 Quality Engineering I ^
  • IE4220 Supply Chain Modelling
  • IE4240 Project Management
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
  • FIN3701 Corporate Finance
  • FIN3702 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Materials Science & Engineering
  • IE2110 Operations Research I *
  • IE2130 Quality Engineering I ^
  • IE4240 Project Management ^
  • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
  • DOS3702 Purchasing and Materials Management
  • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
Mechanical Engineering
  • EE3801 Data Engineering Principles
  • EE4802 Learning from Data
  • IE2110 Operations Research I *
  • IE2130 Quality Engineering I ^
  • IE4240 Project Management
  • MT4002 Technology Management Strategy
  • DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
  • DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization *
  • DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting


* IE2110 Operations Research I and DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization are mutually precluded. Students who have completed either course are not allowed to read the other course.

^ For Cohort AY2018/2019 only.


Students will be admitted into this DDP only if they meet the requirements of both the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) and the NUS Business School. A committee comprising staff members from both CDE and Business will review the applications. An applicant’s co-curricular achievements may be considered as part of the selection criteria.

Prospective NUS students with relevant A-Level or equivalent qualifications

Prospective NUS students may apply via the Office of Admissions website (

Applicants must meet the admission requirements of both courses:

Current NUS students

Current students enrolled in an Engineering major or in the Business Administration programme who aspire to enroll in this DDP are strongly advised to apply by the end of their first year so as to start the DDP at the beginning of their second year. Students must apply through their home Faculty. Shortlisted applicants may then be interviewed. Applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.75 (before exercising the S/U option) to be considered for admission into this DDP.

CDE students who plan to enroll in this DDP after the first year are required to read at least one Business course in the first year to enable them to better understand the Business programme. The grades obtained for these courses will be taken into account in the shortlisting process. Hence, the S/U option should not be exercised on these courses.

Candidature period and tuition fees

The normal candidature period for the single honours and double honours DDP are 9 and 10 consecutive semesters, respectively. Students in a DDP are require to pay only the prevailing tuition fee of their home Faculty's degree programme.

Students who take longer than the normal candidature period to complete this DDP will have to pay partial non-subsidised fees, culminating in full non-subsidised fees, during the extended semesters (click here for more information).

Completion and exit

Students from Cohorts AY2018/2019 to AY2020/2021 are required to leave this DDP if any of the following occurs:

  • GPA below 3.75 for the first degree programme for two consecutive semesters
  • GPA below 3.25 for the second degree programme for two consecutive semesters
  • Combination of both for two consecutive semesters

Students from Cohorts AY2021/2022 are required to leave this DDP if their GPA for one or both degree programmes is below 3.50 for two consecutive semesters.

Students can also choose to leave this DDP on their own accord by submitting their request to their home Faculty between the release of examination results of the immediate past semester and by the first week of the following semester. Students should consider their decision carefully as it is irrevocable. Those who have withdrawn from this DDP will not be readmitted into the DDP regardless of their GPA.

Upon exit from this DDP, students will return to their home Faculty for their single degree programme. Students whose home Faculty is CDE must complete the compulsory internship requirement in their single degree programme. The separate GPAs for the two degrees will be combined into a single GPA, using all courses from both degree programmes.

Contact us

You may contact Ms Lesley Poong at or 6516 1339 if you have questions about this DDP.