About cPAIRu

“Construction Performance Analytics & Innovations Research Unit (cPAIRu)” at the Department of the Built Environment, National University of Singapore, focuses on the Research Areas of:

  • Project/Organisation Management Strategies for Green Building & Infrastructure
  • Project/Organisation Performance Analytics and Innovations
  • Project/Organisation Risk Management and Decision Support System

with consideration of successfully achieving goals and objectives of projects and enterprises in the construction industry at each phase of the entire facility delivery process.

cPAIRu’s Mission is to be “a leading international centre” for research and consultancy in the research areas and cPAIRu’s Goals are:

  • to be an Centre of Excellence in the research areas, leading innovations in projects and organisations
  • to disseminate and market research findings coming from research activities with Excellent Research Minds
  • to serve as a platform where potential local and international partners in both academia and industry do collaborations
  • to design and deliver mentoring programs to develop future leaders in the built environment based on established core competencies
  • to provide service to the community by contributing to the achievement of national development goals through synergistic partnerships amongst students and staff.