31 August 2016

Public Service Star Award

Professor Ong Say Leong, Chairperson of the PUB Internal Audit Panel, was awarded the Public Service Star for his valuable service to Singapore on this National Day.
Prof Ong’s contributions to PUB started in 2002 when he was appointed an independent expert in the Internal Audit Panel (IAP) on NEWater. As an IAP panel member, he conducted an independent in-depth audit and review on the Indirect Potable Use Programme to ensure that the programme is implemented and carried out with high standards and in accordance with international practices. Since 2006, Prof Ong has been chairing the IAP. He has contributed towards ensuring that NEWater and Potable Water are of high quality through reviewing the quality of water and reviewing plant operations. Many recommendations by the IAP, which were implemented, had helped to strengthen PUB’s water quality and operational reliability management framework.

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