31 March 2023

VEME TM Team wins the inaugural DBS Foundation X NEA Hungry for Change Challenge

Mr Roshan Shahid Zubair Zakir Megathaj Begum, a student of the MSc Safety, Health and Environmental Technology programme and President of the Chemical Engineering Graduate Students Society is a member of from the VEME TM Team, one of the winning teams of the inaugural DBS Foundation X NEA Hungry for Change Challenge.

VEME is a 100% plant-derived catalyst that has been shown to catalyse the meat flavours and aroma of a meatless food substrate. The winning teams will receive a total funding of up to S$125,000, mentorship, and be connected to ecosystem partners to deepen their towards zero-waste impact. Well done!

Find out more about this challenge: https://www.nea.gov.sg/media/news/news/index/dbs-foundation-x-nea-hungry-for-change-challenge-recognises-young-innovators’-solutions-to-tackle-singapore’s-food-waste-challenges


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