A/Prof. Linga has been appointed as an Associate Editor in Energy & Fuels journal from 01 June 2020. Energy & Fuels is a premier journal in Fuels research and was started in 1987 by the American Chemical Society (ACS). A/Prof Linga will be handling the journal’s portfolio concerning unconventional fuels related to shale gas, methane hydrates and coal-bed methane. Link to journal page: https://pubs.acs.org/page/enfuem/editors.html.
A/Prof Linga has also been appointed to the Editorial Board of Applied Energy (Elsevier) journal since 01 June 2020. Applied Energy is a premier journal in the energy field and was started in 1975. Prof. Linga has published 25 journal papers in Applied Energy since his first publication in 2014. Link to journal page: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-energy/editorial-board