24 October 2020

Membrane technologies could help lower carbon emission by cleaning power plant flue gas


Membrane technologies could help lower carbon emission by cleaning power plant flue gas

CO2 capture from flue gas of power plants and various industries has attracted attention globally as well as in Singapore due to the concerns about CO2 emission, global warming and sea level rise. Provost’s Chair Professor Neal Chung from NUS Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department is leading an effort to develop a research program targeting CO2 capture from power plants. The core technology will be based on the membranes that can separate CO2 from other gaseous molecules in the flue gas at a lower cost. The program would not only integrate fundamental membrane studies with multidisciplinary and multifaceted experimental investigations but also include scaling up and commercialization. START, Surbana Jurong and Chevron have joined NUS in initiating research program.


More information of this technology can be found in a story published by the Straits Times:

Contact information of Prof. Chung can be found on the following page:

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