6 January 2021

NUS researchers developed a reliable and fast anti-counterfeiting technology

Assistant Professor Wang Xiaonan (left) and Dr Jing Lin (right), together with their research team in NUS Engineering, have invented DeepKey, an anti-counterfeiting technology for reliable AI authentication under extreme conditions.

A research team from NUS Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering developed a new anti-counterfeiting technology, named as DeepKey, based on 2D materials and machine learning models. The research was led by Assistant Professors Chen Po-Yen and Wang Xiaonan. The team invented a simple procedure without expensive instruments for fabrication of 2D materials-based tags that exhibit Physically Unclonable Function patterns. They further used machine learning models to shorten the time of processing each tag down to 3.5 minutes, while maintaining 100% accuracy. The high manufacturing cost, long processing time and low accuracy were among the major barriers to prevent commercialization of similar technologies. After overcoming some of these barriers, DeepKey has the potential to be used for authenticating CoVID-19 vaccines and other important products. The team is actively working with commercial partners to explore these possibilities. The research work has been recently published in Matter.

More information of this story can be found through the following links:

CNA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv4RNs9gDzA&ab_channel=CNA

Zaobao: https://www.zaobao.com.sg/news/singapore/story20201223-1110810

NUS Press Release: https://news.nus.edu.sg/reliable-anti-counterfeit-checks-under-extreme-conditions/

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