Liang Hong

HONG, Liang

Honorary Fellow


  • PhD (Chem. Eng.) SUNY , USA 1996
  • BSc (Chem) Xiamen Univ. China 1982

Research Interests

  • Ceramic, polymer and carbon membranes
  • Synthesis and modifications of polymers
  • Inorganic catalytic materials

Selected Publications

L. Hong, X. Yin, “Implantation of Ni nano domains in refractory metal oxide support by means of sol-gel encapsulation – an effective solution to coke formation in the partial oxidation of natural gas.” US2013/0065751 A1, 2013

M. Sun, X. Chen, L. Hong, “Influence of the Interfacial Phase on the Structural Integrity and Oxygen Permeability of a Dual-Phase Membrane” ACS Interface & Applied Materials, 5(18) (2013) 9067-9074.

M. Sun, L. Hong “Impacts of the pendant functional groups of cellulose precursor on the generation of pore structures of activated carbons” Carbon , 49(7) (2011) 2173-2180.

B. Guo, Z-L. Liu, L. Hong “Doping Nafion matrix by p-aramid flakes for a proton transport less reliant on moisture” J. Mater. Chem., 21 (2011) 12414-12421.

X. Chen, L. Hong* “Submicron-Scale Exclusion via Polymerizing an Aromatic Nylon in Molded Ceramic Monolith for Paving Interconnected Pore Channels” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94 (2) (2011) 382–390.