25 March 2021

A recent highlight from our Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP)

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) is an important training mechanism to allow undergraduate students to experience developing latest technologies in university research laboratories. NUS ChBE students can choose to participate in UROP as an elective module after their first semester. A project usually lasts for one to two semesters and needs to be completed before the final year. The students could choose their projects from a list proposed by the professors in the ChBE department and other departments of NUS. They could also approach professors to initiate new projects.

UROP allows the students to apply the basic principles they learnt in other modules to solve complex, open-ended engineering problems, which help them further understand these principles. Working on a UROP project also inspires one to think harder about how Chemical Engineering could help solve some of the biggest challenges faced by our society, such as the current pandemic, climate change, and sustainable energy and food production. Such exercise helps form strong and long-lasting motivations for the students to study harder and more effectively during their entire undergraduate study. Students also learn many useful soft skills, because they would need to set their own milestones and manage their own project under the supervision of a professor.

Recently, our Year 3 student, Jaryl Siaw Wen Han, presented the work of his UROP (supervised by Associate Professor Tong Yen Wah) in a regional student conference (2021 AIChE Indonesia Student Conference) and received the Best Poster award. Read more about his journey through UROP and the conference through the following link:


More information on our UROP program can be found at the following website:


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