3 February 2022
Dr Hou Yi Solar Cell Record

Dr. Hou Yi’s team and collaborators developed more efficient perovskite-based solar cells

Dr Hou Yi Solar Cell Record

Dr. Hou Yi from National University of Singapore (NUS) Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) Department led a research project that has developed novel perovskite-based solar cells. These new cells’ energy conversion efficiency is 23.6%, which is substantially higher than the previous record of this type of solar cells (~20%). This new achievement brings the perovskite-based solar cells a step closer to commercial development and use, which could make electricity generated from solar energy more affordable and contribute to developing a more sustainable economy. The improved energy conversion efficiency was enabled by using multiple layers of energy-harvesting materials and a new design of connecting these layers. The full technical details can be found in their academic publication in Nature Energy.

Dr. Hou Yi is an Assistant Professor at NUS ChBE and also holds the NUS Presidential Young Professorship. His research group aims to translate hybrid electronic materials into the next generation tandem photovoltaic technologies with potential societal impacts in future energy and environmental sustainability. More information on Dr. Hou’s group can be found on their website:


More information of this story is available from NUS News Website:



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