22 November 2019

Highly-anticipated ‘Homecoming’ event on 22 Nov 2019 reunites ChBE alumni

ChBE organized a Homecoming for our alumni on 22 November 2019 at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House.  The event was attended by more than 200 alumni and staff, who had much fun, laughter and good food that evening.  With the theme ‘Back to School’, the program was presented to the alumni in the form of a mock-up ‘Chemical Engineering Final Exam Paper’, creatively using classical chemical engineering terminology such as ‘Bonds’ – for a slideshow presentation on the department, students and staff through the years, ‘Entropy’ – a fun quiz for everyone present, and ‘Equation of State’ – an MCQ quiz on well-known chemical engineering related events.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves but had to bid a fond farewell as the evening drew to a close.

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