28 May 2024

New technique slashes costs of CO2 conversion

Asst Prof Lum Yanwei and his team developed a new technique to slash costs of CO2 conversion.

Highlighting the potential savings of using their new technique, Asst Prof Lum said: “The cost of purifying CO2 can amount to about USD 70 to 100 per ton, which can constitute about 30 per cent of the costs involved in converting CO2 to feedstocks such as ethylene through electrochemical means. Our novel technique demonstrates a potential pathway for the development of efficient electrolysers for the direct conversion of CO2 in flue gas, using simple yet effective electrolyte and catalyst design strategies to advance integrated sustainability solutions.”

Read more: https://cde.nus.edu.sg/news-detail/unlocking-the-potential-of-active-matter-copy/