5 July 2022

NUS launches a new center focusing on hydrogen research

Prof Liu New Center

From left to right (Assoc Prof Yan Ning, Asst Prof Lum Yanwei, Prof Liu Bin, Asst Prof Wang Lei)


On July 1st, 2022, National University of Singapore (NUS) launched a new research center to advance research and development related to the Hydrogen Economy. The center has a total operating budget of 25 million SGD (~18 million USD) and is led by Professor Liu Bin from NUS Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) Department.

Hydrogen is an attractive energy carrier and could be obtained from water using renewable energy. After energy is extracted form hydrogen through combustion or other chemistry, hydrogen would be turned back into water, without producing carbon dioxide (CO2) or other harmful substances. The major challenges encountered in the real-world applications are mainly the high costs associated with hydrogen transportation and production. Because of its unique structure, hydrogen cannot be easily liquefied using pressure. A major direction of the new center is to develop novel technologies to tackle this problem, which may lead to long-range transportation of hydrogen (for example from solar farms in Australia to Singapore). The center will also investigate local production of hydrogen using renewable energy generated in Singapore. More information of the center can be found through the following News articles:

NUS News

The Straits Times

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