WSH Seminar Series 2020

By Michelle Lim Shu Hui

PhD Candidate, Safety and Resilience Research Unit (SaRRU), Department of Building, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore.


Over two Fridays, SaRRU held its first-ever seminar online, showcasing current research being done by the lab. This seminar was focused on potential industry applications of the ongoing research being done. SaRRU has always taken a strong interest in working with industry partners for their research and we welcome potential industry collaborations. Projects were showcased according to two themes from the National Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) strategies 2028.


Poster for WSH Seminar Series


The first Friday followed the theme of “Promoting Technology Enabled WSH”. For this week, the projects featured included uses of technology to support WSH:

  • Uses of computer vision on the construction site for automatic detection of hazards,
  • Digital simulation games as methods of teaching construction site safety and incident investigation techniques to both students and industry professionals, and
  • A mobile application to support selection and design of fall arrest and travel restraint systems for building construction activities.

The second seminar was on the theme of “Strengthen WSH Ownership”. This was exemplified by the week’s secondary theme on the utilisation and improvement of Design for Safety (DfS) practice for companies to strengthen their practice of WSH ownership. The talks included:

  • Legislative requirements for DfS in Singapore, delivered by our guest speaker, Mr. Chan Yew Kwong,
  • A presentation on a DfS Climate survey, to measure the DfS climate in a project, and
  • Interventions to improve the DfS review process throughout the whole industry

The seminar was a great success! Attendees expressed that they were satisfied with the event and would generally recommend future talks to their colleagues. For those who missed the talks, the link to access the video recordings of the event & the slides is here.

Alternatively, you can view our current projects here.

We hope to see you at our next event!