28 February 2023

Open House 2023 Tours sign-ups opened!

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Involve me and I learn”.

Come down this coming Saturday, 4th March, to be a part of our Open House! Join our interactive tours to find out more about what the Bachelor of Engineering, Infrastructure and Project Management is about!

If cutting edge technology and robotics is your thing, check out our 5G-enabled infrastructure and systems at the 5G Centre for Digital Building Technologies. You can sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/5Gtour23

If sustainability and green development rocks your boat, join us on a tour around our net-zero energy building- SDE4 and learn about the features that makes it environmentally friendly. Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/sde4tour23

If not, you can just hop on by SDE1 on 4th March and sign up for the tours at our booth.
We welcome you to come and be a part of this interactive experience! See you there!

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