Featured Alumni

Layla on the job
Layla on the job
Layla at her beautiful green office
Layla at her beautiful green office

Layla Harris Kasee

Sales Business Analyst
JLL Singapore

Class of 2021

What does your current job scope entail?

As part of the JLL Work Dynamics Solutions, Proposal and Enablement team for APAC, the main scope of my job is to support and manage regional programs and initiatives, information, and insights to sales teams in APAC. I support and manage strategic programs and support sales-related training programs and courses for the Work Dynamic Sales teams across APAC.

A key focus area of my job includes the JLL Win Loss Debrief Program, where I manage the APAC portion of this global program. I identify projects that have closed that meet the criteria to participate in the programme as required. The aim of this programme is to find out key learnings about JLL from the clients and to see how JLL can improve its sales effectiveness and strategies to win more. We work with the sales leads and clients and then carry out debrief interviews to find out learning points and potential improvement areas for future bids.

I have also recently taken part in some regional bids*, providing support to the sales team as and when necessary, in terms of the solution or proposal aspect. Being part of the APAC regional team allows me to be more exposed to larger bids and global bids as well - which provides a lot of learning points as you will get to see how the different teams across the globe operate and run their bids.

How was your experience in your undergraduate degree programme and how has it helped you with your current job?

Going into my programme, I did not have a very clear understanding as to what it entailed and I decided to try it out for a semester or two. After the first semester I found it to be very interesting and the career opportunities in this industry were really diverse and unlimited. Having many different areas of focus in this course such as project management, facilities management, event management, design, cost management and even technology helped me to determine my own area of interest and also helped narrow down what I would like to pursue as a career.

Studying in this major turned out to be helpful when coming into JLL as I already had the knowledge that was required for the basic understanding of the job. For example, when being part of the pursuit team for bids, I was able to better understand and grasp the information in client documents, the scope, etc. Being able to understand these documents with more ease allowed me to get started on the work faster and provide more inputs for the team where necessary.

Being in this undergraduate programme also allowed me the opportunity to take up internships that were related to the field of study/ industry. As I had the chance to do several FM - site related internships, I realised I wanted to try something different when joining the JLL Graduate Programme and I was allowed the chance to try something new - which turned out to be sales. The programme allowed me to be exposed to different areas in the industry and helped me identify my interests for when I joined the workforce.