
Year 2023

Invited Speech

November 2023

Professor Bon-Gang HWANG was invited by Sustainable Smart City Convergence Education Research Centre, Hanyang University in November 2023, to deliver his speech on “Innovation and Transformation thru 4IR, COVID 19, Modularization and Digitalization”.

PhD Seminar

November 2023

A PhD seminar was held among the professors and PhD students from the Department of Built Environment, and the PhD students Wei Feiyang and Feng Yuxin, under Prof Hwang Bon-Gang’s supervision, shared about the PhD research and sought feedback from others.

Invited Speech

May 2023

Professor Bon-Gang HWANG was invited by four different universities in China (Southeast University, Hohai University, Central South University & Zhejiang University of Science and Technology) in May 2023, to deliver his speeches on “Innovation and Transformation thru 4IR, COVID 19, Modularization and Digitalization”.

PhD Seminar

April 2023

A PhD seminar was held among the professors and PhD students from the Department of built environment, and the PhD students Zhan Hanzhang and Wei Feiyang under Prof Hwang Bon-Gang’s supervision shared about the PhD research and sought feedback from others.

Year 2022

SPM Outstanding Project Managers 2022 Award

Oct 2022

Professor Hwang Bon-Gang, together with his researchers, Dr. Jasmine NGO and Ms. Hanjing ZHU from his research unit “cPAIRu (Construction Performance Analytics & Innovations Research Unit)” were awarded the Outstanding Project Manager Award 2022 (Publication Category - Merit) from Society of Project Managers (SPM) Singapore in Oct 2022.

The award has been given through a rigorous selection process by SPM Award Panel and it is based on the journal papers Prof Hwang published with the co-authors, which highlight the impact of Smart Technologies on Project Management and the Built Environment. The competition is a biennial event, and Prof. Hwang and the cPAIRu researchers received the award twice consecutively in 2020 and 2022.


Visiting Students’ Sharing Session

30 September 2022

A sharing session was held among the visiting students and PhD students under Prof Hwang Bon-Gang’s supervision to share about the visiting students’ research ideas, progress and to seek feedback from others.



Keynote Speech

5 September 2022

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was invited as a keynote speaker and discussion panel to the smart modular forum at the national assembly building in Korea, which was organised by the member of congress, Mr Young Huh, smart modular forum Korea, Korea land & housing corporation, and E daehan economy.

The theme of the forum was “Modular Building Market Revitalisation and Incentive Program” and the title of Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang's speech was “Digital Transformation of the Singapore Construction Industry”

Sources (in Korean):

Year 2021

Visiting Students’ Sharing Session

8 October 2021

A sharing session was held among the visiting students and PhD students under Prof Hwang Bon-Gang’s supervision to share about the visiting students’ research ideas, progress and to seek feedback from others.


Visiting Student’s Exchange and Undergraduate Student’s Internship with cPAIRu

20 August 2021

A great thank you to Wendy (Wen Que) and Jeannine for their hardwork and support during their time with cPAIRu.


Workshop with Final Year Students

9 and 10 June 2021

A workshop was held for Final Year Students under Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang’s supervision to share research ideas, progress and experiences in their research process.


SPM Outstanding Project Managers 2020 Award

29 March 2021

Professor Hwang Bon-Gang’s publication titled “Integrated Digital Delivery: Implementation status and project performance in the Singapore construction industry”, was awarded the SPM Outstanding Project Managers Award 2020 under the outstanding publications category.


Year 2020

Workshop with Final Year Students

13 December 2020

A workshop was held for Final Year Students under Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang's supervision to share research ideas, progress and experiences in their research process.


Undergraduate Students' Internship with cPAIRu

August 2020

A great thank you to Ruvean and Jeannine for their hardwork and support during their internship with cPAIRu in May to August 2020.


Workshop with Final Year Students

5 June 2020

A workshop was held for Final Year Students under Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang's supervision to share research ideas, progress and experiences in their research process.

Award of Ng Teng Feng Charitable Foundation Research Funding

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was awarded the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation Research Grant April 2020 for his research project "Sensor-Based Mobile App System for Safety Behavior Self-Diagnosis & Innovations".

Award of HSS Seed Fund 1/2020

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was awarded the HSS Seed Fund 1/ 2020 for his research project "Technological Competency of Project Managers: Development of a Knowledge-Based Technological Competency Analytics and Innovations System".

Award of IPUR Seed Fund 2019

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was awarded the IPUR Seed Grant 2019 for his research project "Technological Risk Perception and Technological Competency in the Built Environment".

Year 2019

Workshop for Final Year Students

A workshop was held for Final Year Students under Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang's supervision to share research ideas, progress and experiences in their research process.


Merit Paper Award - 24th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate

Three papers: "Effectiveness of Innovative Intervention - Household Energy Saving Option (HESO) on Promoting Energy Conservation in Residential Buildings", "Big Data Adoption in the Singapore Construction Industry: Drivers, Challenges and Strategies" and "Construction Project Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Key Technology Areas and Applications" were presented in the 24th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate organized by CRIOCM2019 on 29 November to 2 December 2019 held in Chongqing, China. The first paper was awarded the Merit Paper Award.


Publons Peer Reviewer Awards 2019

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was awarded the Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019 from Publons, Web of Science Group, for placing in the top 1% of reviewers in Cross-Field.


Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher

Priscilla Her Wan Yi (Supervisee of Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang) was awarded the Outstanding Undergraduate Research (OUR) Prize, for her project "Integrated Digital Delivery: Implementation Status, Project Performance, Barriers and Strategies".

She was also awarded the Singapore Institute of Building Gold Medal and NUS-JTC i3 Centre Innovation Medal & Prize (Built Environment).


1st Top Ranked Active Contributor to Green Building Project Management Research

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was named the 1st Top Ranked Active Contributor to Green Building Project Management Research (2005 - 2018), contributing to NUS to be the 1st Top Contributing Institution in the world, based on a bibliometric analysis from Building and Environment Journal (SCIE, Q1, IF: 4.820), April 2019, (


Workshop with Final Year Students

A workshop was held for Final Year Students under Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang's supervision to share research ideas, progress and experiences in their research process.

Best Paper Award - 4th International Conference on Research Methodology for Built Environment and Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand

Two papers: "Developing a Knowledge-based Decision Support System for Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction" and "Key Constraints and Mitigation Strategies for Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction" were presented in ICRMCEE 2019 on 24 - 25 April 2019 held in Bangkok, Thailand. The first paper was awarded the Best Paper Award.


Year 2018


Workshop for Final Year Students

A workshop was held for Final Year Students under Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang's supervision to share research ideas, progress and experiences in their research process.


Visit to School of Civil Engineering, Central South University

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was invited by School of Civil Engineering, Central South University to deliver two speeches: "Singapore Construction Industry and Performance Analytics Policies" and "Management Performance Analytics and Innovations for Construction Projects" to undergraduate and research students respectively, from 13 to 17 November 2018.

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Research Collaboration Meeting with Professor James O.B. Rotimi

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang together with Prof. Goh Yang Miang, Prof. Lim Pin and Prof. Johathan Lian had a meeting with Professor James O.B. Rotimi PhD, Programme Director, Construction School of Engineering and Advanced Technonology (SEAT) Massey Uuniversity, Albany Campus, Auckland, New Zealand to discuss opportunities for potential research collaborations.


Visit by Guests from Korea

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang together with Prof. Goh Yang Miang, Prof. Lim Pin and Prof. Johathan Lian had a meeting with Professor James O.B. Rotimi PhD, Programme Director, Construction School of Engineering and Advanced Technonology (SEAT) Massey Uuniversity, Albany Campus, Auckland, New Zealand to discuss opportunities for potential research collaborations.



Meeting with Guests from University of Technology Mara, Malaysia

On 27 August, 2018, Prof Hwang Bon-Gang together with Prof Low Sui Pheng had a meeting with the guests from University of Technology Mara, Malaysia to discuss opportunities for potential research collaborations.



Research Excellence Appreciation Award

On 11 July, 2018, Prof Hwang Bon-Gang and his research team, who have worked for a 34 month research project titled "Implementation of an Integrated Approach to the Application of Recognized Capital Project Management Best Practices and Productivity Measurement for Participants from the Energy & Chemicals and Process Construction & Maintenance Industry", funded by Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore and Construction Industry Institute (CII), USA, received Research Excellence Appreciation Award, which has been jointly presented by Productivity Council of Singapore, Singapore Chemical Industry Council, and Association of Process Industry of Singapore.



Productivity Improvement Forum, 2018, Singapore

On 11 July, 2018, the Productivity Improvement Forum 2018 was held at the Matrix at Biopolis. Representative from more than 100 companies in Singapore's petrochemical industry attended the forum. During the forum, Prof Hwang Bon-Gang and Prof Carlos Caldas from The University of Texas at Austin introduced the results of the WorkFace Planning (WFP) pilot project. Dr. Stephen Mulva from Construction Industry Institute reflected on the three year research project journey and the learning outcomes.Prof Hwang, Prof Caldas and Dr Mulva were felicitated for their contributions towards the research project.



Productivity Improvement Workgroup Meetings, Singapore

On 25 and 28 May, 2018, Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang and Prof. Carlos Caldas from The University of Texas at Austin attended the Mechanization and Pilot Projects Workgroup Meetings. During the meetings, research team shared the latest research progress in Mechanization Study and Work Face Planning with workgroup members.

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Training Session on Work Face Planning (WFP), Singapore

On 28 May, 2018, a training session on Work Face Planning (WFP) was held at the Trade Association Hub . Nearly 70 attendees from the petrochemical industry of Singapore attended the training session. During the session, Prof Hwang Bon-Gang and Prof Carlos Caldas from The University of Texas at Austin introduced Work Face Planning (WFP), an important productivity tool that can assist managers in planning and packaging jobsite activities thereby ensuring successful execution of construction and maintenance activities.





Articles Published in The Straits Times

Two articles written by Prof Hwang Bon-Gang, "Right on Schedule: Time is Precious Resource and Needs to Be Managed for Project Success" and "Project Risk Management: Maximising Opportunities while Minimizing Risks to Deliver Successful Project", were published in The Strait Times.



New Book of Green Construction Management Online

"Performance and Improvement of Green Construction Projects: Management Strategies and Innovations", a new book of Prof Hwang, is online, published with Butterworth-Heinemann & Elsevier. This book presents a holistic view on the management strategies and innovations for green construction projects, focusing on the assessment and improvement of green construction projects' management performance in the areas of cost, schedule, quality, safety, risk, productivity and leadership development.


Productivity Improvement Workgroup Meetings, Singapore

On 11 and 12 January, 2018, Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang and Prof. Carlos Caldas from The University of Texas at Austin attended the Mechanization and Pilot Projects Workgroup Meetings. During the meetings, research team shared the latest research progress in Mechanization Study and Work Face Planning with workgroup members.



Publons Peer Review Awards 2017

Prof. Hwang Bon-Gang was awarded the Peer Review Award 2017 from Publons, Web of Science Group, for placing in the top 1% of reviewers in Multidisciplinary.


Year 2017

2017 International Conference on Innovation Production and Construction, Perth, Australia

On 30th November and 1st December, Research Associate Mr. Krishnankutty Pramesh, attended the International Conference (IPC) organized by the Australasian Joint Research Centre for Building Information Modelling (BIM Centre), at the Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Two papers were presented in this conference: "Critical Review of Design for Maintainability Research in Buildings" and "Are underground Residential Buildings Feasible?: A Preliminary Investigation for Innovations."



Prof Hwang's Visits to Universities in Nanjing, China

From 18 to 22 September, 2017, Prof Hwang visited a series of universities in Nanjing, China. In Southeast University, Prof Hwang delivered two speeches: "Singapore Construction Industry & Project Assessment Policies" and "Integrated & Sustainable Productivity Assessment and Improvement Strategies", to the research students and faculty members. In Hohai University and Nanjing Tech University, Prof Hwang gave a seminar entitled "Project Performance Assessment, Benchmarking and Improvement", respectively. In Nanjing Forest University, Prof delivered a speech entitled "Management Strategies and Innovations for Green Building Construction Projects".





Visit by Guests from Korea

On 25th August 2017, seven research students from five Korean universities (i.e., Seoul National University, Ewha Womans University, Pukyong University, Hoseo University, and Kyunghee University) visited cPAIRu. Prof Hwang delivered a lecture "Introduction to the Singapore Construction Industry" to visitors. Mr. Krishnankutty made a brief introduction to visitors about cPAIRu as well as the ongoing cPAIRu research activities.





Productivity Improvement Forum, 2017, Singapore

On 26 July, 2017, the Productivity Improvement Forum 2017 was held at JTC Summit. Representative from more than 100 companies in Singapore's petrochemical industry attended the forum. During the forum, Prof Hwang Bon-Gang and Prof Carlos Caldas from The University of Texas at Austin introduced the results of the Best Productivity Practices Implementation Index (BPPII) pilot project. Dr. Stephen Mulva from Construction Industry Institute introduced the latest progress of 10-10 and Productivity Benchmarking Program.





Meeting with the Head and Members of Mechanization Research Workgroup, Singapore

On 25 July, 2017, Prof Hwang Bon-Gang and Prof Carlos Caldas from The University of Texas at Austin had a meeting with the Head and several members of Mechanization Research Workgroup. During the meeting, Prof Hwang and Prof Caldas presented the updated Mechanization Index Assessment Tool. The meeting also discussed the path forward for the mechanization study in the coming months.



Training Session on Best Productivity Practices Implementation Index (BPPII), Singapore

On 25 July, 2017, Prof Hwang Bon-Gang and Prof Carlos Caldas from The University of Texas at Austin had a meeting with the Head and several members of Mechanization Research Workgroup. During the meeting, Prof Hwang and Prof Caldas presented the updated Mechanization Index Assessment Tool. The meeting also discussed the path forward for the mechanization study in the coming months.



World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Hong Kong, 2017

Prof. Hwang and Dr. Shan attended the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Hong Kong, held between June 5 and 7, 2017. In the conference, Dr. Shan presented two papers, "Investigating Critical Safety Performance Factors in Green Building Construction Projects: The Case of Singapore", and "Project Management Strategies for Green Business Parks: Critical Success Factors, Barriers, and Solutions." Incidentally, Prof. Hwang and Dr. Shan visited The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on June 6, 2017, at the invitation of Prof. Chan Ping Chuen Albert, Head of Department of Building and Real Estate, HK PolyU. During the visit, Prof. Hwang gave a distinguished lecture entitled "Integrated & Sustainable Approach for Productivity Innovations of the Singapore Energy & Chemicals and Process Construction & Maintenance Industry" to the faculty members and research students of the department.





Productivity Improvement Work Group Meetings, Singapore

The productivity Improvement Work Group meetings and one BPPII workshop were held from 23rd to 25th May 2017. Prof. Hwang from NUS and Dr. Caldas from CII attended these meetings.



On 23rd and 24th May 2017, Prof. Hwang and Dr. Caldas attended the Pilot Project Work Group meeting, Certification Work Group meeting, and the Mechanization Work Group meeting. On the meetings, Prof. Hwang and Dr. Caldas introduced the current status of the implemention of 10-10 and Productivity Benchmarking, Mechanization and the implementation of BPPII. The work group also discussed the follow-up of Activity Analysis (AA).



On 25th May 2017, the BPPII Workshop was held in NUS with more than fifty attendees from owners and contractor. During the workshop, Dr. Caldas first introduced the BPPII analysis, the procedures to conduct BPPII, and the benefits of BPPII. Subsequently, Prof. Hwang introduced the results of the BPPII Pilot Projects First Round. At the end of the workshop, Mr. Smith and Mr. Yak Boo were invited to share their experience on BPPII.



10-10 Program and Productivity Benchmarking Meetings with Owners and Contractors, Singapore

Mr. Bob from CII, Prof. Hwang and Dr. Zhu from NUS held four days meetings with five owners and four contractors to discuss the 10-10 Program and Productivity Benchmarking. During the meetings, the online project submission status was first updated. Moreover, CII/NUS answered questions from both owners and contractors such as questions about the 10-10 online system and questionnair, and questions about the data collection. Furthermore, CII/NUS explained the real reports or sample report to companies, and the benefits that companies can get from these reports. In addition, Mr. Bob explained the aim of trying to collect data through work orders. This would simplify the data collection procedure.



On 4th April 2017, CII/NUS held a meeting with Mr. William McLean Watson and Ms. Hongyi Zuo from Mun Siong. During the meeting, Mr. William explained the difficulty to collecting historical data which prevents them from entering past projects or activities. After Mr. Bob explained the 10-10 and Productivity Benchmarking reports of Mun Siong, Mr. William agreed that this would be quite useful to their company.



On 5th April 2017, CII/NUS held meetings with Mr. Lee Chung Huat from Rotary and Mr. Murugan from Shell. During the meetings, both Rotary and Shell forecast that there would be several projects submitted to CII database. CII/NUS also held a teleconfernece with Mr. Yak Boo to discuss the third round Activity Analysis, the BPPII training in May, and the agenda and topics of PIW in July 2017.



On 6th & 7th April 2017, CII/NUS held meetings with Mr. Smith Ang from ExxonMobil, Mr. Derek Koh Sien Hock from SRC, Mr. Johnny Neon and Ms. Elizabeth Francisco from Hai Leck, Mr. Teow Eng Him from Chevron, Mr. Tan Kian Boo and Mr. Ho Jia Quan from PCS, and Mr. Teo Choon Meng and Mr. Baizhong Liu from PEC.





Productivity Improvement Group Meetings, Singapore

Two Productivity Work Group meetings were held on 10th and 12th January 2017. Prof. Hwang from NUS, Dr. Caldas and Mr. Chris from CII attended these meetings. On 10th January 2017, Dr. Caldas and Mr. Chris introduced the implementation of BPPII pilot projects. The attendee had an in-deep discussion of this. On 12th January 2017, Prof. Hwang, Dr. Caldas and Mr. Chris introduced the current status of the implemention of 10-10 and Productivity Benchmarking, Mechanization and the implementation of BPPII. The work group also discussed the follow-up of Activity Analysis (AA).



Year 2016

SBE16 Seoul Conference, Seoul South Korea

Dr. Lei Zhu attended the SBE16 Seoul Conference held from 11 through 14 December, 2016. SBE16 SEOUL is a part of the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Conferences 2016 Series focusing on promoting a more sustainable built environment in the post-carbon world. Dr. Zhu presented two papers in the conference: "Productivity Improvement Strategies for Green Construction Projects: Performance Comparison and Critical Factors" and "Critical Risks in Green Commercial Building Projects: The Case of Singapore". The first paper was selected by the conference committee to be published in an international journal.



Conference Organized by Korean Research Center for Overseas Projects (ICAK), South Korea

Prof. Hwang was invited by International Contractors Association of Korea (ICAK) & Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Trade of Korea to chair a session for invited speeches at the conference organized by Korean Research Center for Overseas Projects (ICAK). The conference was held in Seoul, Korea on 7-8 December 2016.


Productivity Improvement Workshop (PIW), Singapore

The Productivity Council successfully held several meetings from 2nd to 4th November 2016. Members from Pilot Project Workgroup (WG), Mechanization WG and Certification WG, Prof. Hwang from NUS, and Dr. Caldas and Dr. Mulva from CII attended these meetings. On the meetings, the current research progress was first introduced. Moreover, for the 2nd year productivity initiative, CII also introduced the Best Productivity Practices Implementation Index (BPPII) and the plan for the BPPII questionnaire validation interview.

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Visiting Professor & Invited Speech, Taiwan

Prof. Hwang was invited by National Taiwan University of Science & Technology to give speeches on "Management Strategies & Innovations for Green Construction Projects" and "Performance Assessment, Benchmarking & Improvement for Capital Development Projects" on 18th October 2016. The students highly appreciated this seminar and discussed many interesting issues with Prof. Hwang.



Visiting Professor & Invited Speech, Taiwan

Prof. Hwang was invited by Taiwan National Central University to give a speech on "Management Strategies & Innovations for Green Construction Projects" on 12th October 2016.



Performance Assessment Seminar (2), Singapore

Researchers from National University of Singapore (NUS) and Construction Industry Institute (CII) held the second Performance Assessment (PA) seminar with the support from Singapore Chemical Industry Council Limited (SCIC). Seven Contractors and four owners participated in this seminar.

NUS/CII research team frist held a meeting with all contractors in SCIC's office. Mr. Bob elaborated the reason and methodology for Benchmark. He also emphasized the confidentiality of research work conducted by CII. During the meeting, contractors also raised their concerns about the survey.



Subsequently, NUS/CII research team held 11 meetings with seven contractors and four owners from 3rd to 7th October 2016. The seven contractors were PEC Ltd., Hiap Seng, Yeo Hong Construction & Engineering, Hertel Singapore, Mun Siong, Hai Leck Engieering Pte Ltd. and Rotary Engineering. During the meeetings, Prof. Hwang introduced the three years' research program and the benefits of participating in the benchmark initiative. Mr. Bob explained the methodology for benchmark and the confidentiality of research work. Contractors expressed their concerns about the research such as the procedure to conduct the survey, data collection approach and the final report.

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The four owners participating the meetings were Shell, SRC, Chevron Oronite and PCS. During the meeetings, Mr. Bob also explained the methodology for benchmark and the confidentiality of research work. Owners communicated their interest in learning the methodoloty and participating in the benchmark initiative.





Construction of Innovation Laboratory, Seoul National University

As an invited speaker, Prof. Hwang gave a seminar on "The Construction of Innovation Laboratory" at the Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Seoul National University. The main topic of this seminar includs:

  • Is Change To Change or To be Changed
  • Human Computer Interaction(HCI)



Performance Assessment Seminar, Singapore

The Productivity Council has embarked on a three-year initiative with the Construction Industry Institute (CII) to introduce best practices, meterics and benchmarking for the PCM industry. This seminar introduced one of the projects: 10-10 Performance Assessment and Productivity Benchmarking. Dr. Daniel from CII conducted this seminar. The objectives of this seminar are to: (1) explain the Performance Assessment process; (2) cover the important definitions; (3) explain the available resources to help Survey Coordinators; and (4) provide an hands-on section on how to create and enter data for a New Project survey.



Activity Analysis Seminar (2), Singapore

The Productivity Council has embarked on a three-year initiative with the Construction Industry Institute (CII) to introduce best practices, meterics and benchmarking for the PCM industry. This seminar introduced one of the projects: Activity Analysis. Dr. Carlos (UT Austin) and Prof. Hwang (NUS) conducted this seminar. The objectives of this seminar are to: (1) provide detailed guidelines on how to implement the Activity Analysis five-step process; (2) explain the preparation steps and logistics involved; (3) present the lessons learnt from the Activity Analysis pilot projects conducted in Singapore; (4) share best practices to improve productivity on construction projects, maintenance activities, shutdowns and turnarounds.



Productivity Improvement Workshop (PIW), Singapore

The Productivity Improvement Workshop (PIW) is an annual event for the Productivity Council to showcase the key results and findings from its various productivity improvement initiatives. The main objectives of this workshops include: (1) learn more about Activity Analysis Pilot Projects conducted in Singapore and the benefits of Activity Analysis; (2) Discover how mechanisation tools that have benefited the industry; (3) Find out best practices to improve project management and worker productivity in construction projects, maintenance activities, shutdowns and turnarounds; and (4) be engaged in a nation-wide productivity improvement effort.



"Management Performance Assessment, Benchmarking and Improvement for Capital Development" Seminar, Nanjing China

As an invited speaker, Prof. Hwang gave an excellent seminar on "Management Performance Assessment, Benchmarking and Improvement for Capital Development" in School of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing China.



2016 International Civil Engineering Graduate Student Summer School, Nanjing China

Prof. Bon-Gang Hwang was invited to gave two speeches in 2016 International Civil Engineering Graduate Student Summer School. The Summer School was organized by the Chinese Society of Civil Engineering and Southeast University in Nanjing, China. The first speech is "Management Performance Assessment, Benchmarking and Improvement for Capital Development Project". Prof. Hwang used two practical examples to illustrate the defition and function of Performance Assessment & Benchmarking (PA&B). Using cost, schedule, change and safety as indicators, Prof. Hwang elaborated the three implementation steps for benchmarking which are "Measure Performance", "Compare to Best in Class" and "Improve Project Delivery Processes". Finally, he explained the real effect of the implementation of PA&B. The second speech is "Management Strategies & Innovations for Green Development Projects". Prof. Hwang first highlighted the certification criteria of "Building Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark", the characteristics of green building design and construction. Through the comparisons with traditional buildings, he summarized the specifics of green building project management and highlighted the challengers in the future. After the speech, prof. Hwang was invited to visit several famous buildings and places in Nanjing.






Activity Analysis Seminar (1), Singapore

The Productivity Council has embarked on a three-year initiative with the Construction Industry Institute (CII) to introduce best practices, meterics and benchmarking for the PCM industry. This seminar introduced one of the projects: Activity Analysis. Mr. Yak-Boo first gave an excelent opening address. Dr. Stephen Mulva (CII), Dr. Carlos Cardas (UT-Austin) and Dr. Hwang (NUS) conducted this seminar. The objectives of this seminar are to: (1) provide detailed guidelines on how to implement the Activity Analysis five-step process; (2) explain the preparation steps and logistics involved; (3) present the lessons learnt from the Activity Analysis pilot projects conducted in Singapore; (4) share best practices to improve productivity on construction projects, maintenance activities, shutdowns and turnarounds. At the end, Mr. Kok Liang shared ExxonMobil's experience in Activity Analysis.



Site Briefing for the Second Round Data Collection in Shell, Singapore

With the lead of Prof. Hwang, NUS researchers went to Bukom Island to conduct the site briefing with Shell AA teams.



Activity Analysis data collection in Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore (PCS), Singapore

On 3rd and 4th of May, NUS researchers together with PCS staff conducted Activity Analysis data collection for a shutdown/turnaround furnance of PCS. The furnance is 10-storey's high. To collect enough data, NUS researchers needed to climb at least 16 times/day. PCS staff were interested in the AA method. NUS researchers shared the experience of AA categorization with them and taught them how to use the data collection template.



Presentation in NUS Open Day, Singapore

In the NUS Open Day, Prof. Hwang gave a speech introducing the Project & Facilities Management (PFM) program to audience.

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Year 2015

Pilot of Pilot Projects at ExxonMobil, Singapore

The Pilot of Pilot Project was successfully held at ExxonMobil. The main participants were Prof. Bon-Gang Hwang (NUS), Dr. Stephen Mulva (CII), Prof. Carlos Caldas (UT-Austin) and Teo Kok Liang (ExxonMobil). After safety training and site briefing, the research team successfully conducted site walk through despite the hot weather. All participants gave critical comments during the debriefing at the end.



Performance Assessment, Benchmarking and Improvement, Seoul National University

As an invited speaker, Prof. Hwang gave an excellent seminar on "Performance Assessment, Benchmarking and Improvement" at Seoul National University, South Korea. Performance Assessment & Benchmarking is a critical component for gathering information & understanding project performance, both externally and internally. Also, it is an essential part of a continuous improvement process going forward to generating successful projects & sustaining the success for the future projects. In this seminar, Prof. Hwang talked about a framework developed for evaluating projects using metrics specific to the characteristics of unique projects. This framework makes possible the development of a set of industry-specific metrics and a flexible data collection and reporting system for measuring project performance. In addition, it is expected that developing such a framework enables the industry to measure project performance more accurately, get meaningful project performance comparisons, and ultimately establish credible norms for project performance.