15 December 2021

OPEN GOV ASIA article: 5G Creates Smarter Buildings with Digital Twins

Department of the Built Environment officially launched the newly created Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology on 15th of December 2021. The new Centre aims to conduct cutting edge research in Digital Twin, BIM, 5G Network, Smart Facilities Management, Building Data Analytics, Scanning (such as LiDAR), GIS, Parametric BIM, Robotics, Mixed Reality, Drones applications, and so on.

Media Releases :

NUS News: Click Here for details

The Straits Times: Click Here for details

SEAB: Click Here for details

OpenGov Asia: Click Here for details

Instagram: Click here for details

Facebook: Click here for details

Linkedin : Click here for details

The Straits Times (Print): Click here for details

Event Videos

Click Here to watch launch event videos


5G Lab

Click Here to know more about the 5G lab in the Centre

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