Associate Professor

Department of the Built Environment


  • December 2009: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), NUS Singapore
  • March 2000: Master in Engineering (Research), NTU Singapore
  • July 1997: Bachelor Degrees in Mechanical and Production Engineering (2nd Upper Honours), NTU Singapore


  • August 2024-Present: Associate Professor, Department of The Built Environment, NUS
  • April 2023-July 2024-Principal Scientist 2 & Domain Specialist (Built Environment), IHPC
  • April 2020-March 2023-Senior Scientist 2 & Domain Specialist (Built Environment), IHPC
  • April 2015-March 2020-Senior Scientist 1 & Capability Group Manager (Environmental Modelling), Fluid Dynamics Department, IHPC


  • Apr 2020 – Aug 2024 Domain Specialist (Built Environment), IHPC
  • Apr 2015 – Mar 2020 Capability Group Manager (Environmental Modelling), Fluid Dynamics Department, IHPC
  • Sep 1999 – Aug 2024 Over 25 years of experience in research and industry consultancy works on CFD building simulation tool and completed more than 70 projects in the capacity as Research Performer, Project Leader, Advisor and Principal Investigators for multi-disciplinary long-term projects.


  • Aug 2024 – Jul 2026 Board of Directors to International Association of Building Physics (IABP)
  • Apr 2024 – Mar 2026 International Building Performance Simulation Association (Singapore Chapter) – President
  • Aug 2017 – Mar 2024 International Building Performance Simulation Association (Singapore Chapter) – Committee Head for Training & Seminar
  • Mar 2024 – Dec 2024 Appointed as scientific committee to the 5th Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 8 – 10 Dec 2024, https://www.asim2024.org/committee/
  • Feb 2023 – Jan 2025 Appointment to the Working Group on Hydrogen Refuelling Station by Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) and contribute towards Technical Reference for Safe Transportation, Requirement and Operation of HRS in Singapore
  • July 2022 – Dec 2023 Appointed as Scientific Committee to the 6th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI), 3 – 6 Dec 2023, https://www.ic2uhi2023.com/committees
  • Oct 2021 – Dec 2023 Invited by MSE as Singapore Urban Heat Island (UHI) Research and Development (R&D) steering committee and contribute towards UHI analysis, modelling, simulation, optimization and implementation
  • Sep 2021 Advisory committee to e ASIA JRP 11 for “Greener Digital Cities” workshop
  • Jan 2021 Nominated by A*STAR as contributor to Open Ideation Workshop for Built Environment, 2021
  • Oct 2020 Organize, supervise and chair the webinar Modelling Wind-Tree Interaction: Novel Approaches and Practical Applications, 28 – 30 Oct 2020
    Sep 2019 Tasked by A*CE to make presentation about IEM to Mr Ng Chee Khern, Permanent Secretary (Smart Nation and Digital Government). It is the sharing about Digital Capabilities in A*STAR.
  • Sep 2017 Invitation to review proposal by The Singapore Ministry of Education Translational R&D and Innovation Fund (TIF)
    Apr 2017 Chair workshop on Urban Microclimate: From Research To Application ” jointly organised by the A*STAR, HDB, & NUS on 26 April 2017 at HDB Centre of Building Research (Woodlands).
  • Sep 2016 Workshop chair on 20 Sep 2016 to organize the inaugural workshop on “Environmental Modelling and Simulation for the Building Industry”, jointly with Kajima Corporation, Japan; and supported by Building and Construction Authority (BCA).
  • Oct 2015 Invited by NRF to review L2NIC Second Call for proposal on White paper evaluation.
  • Aug 2015 Invitation to be a Panellist at the NUS High Sustainable Development Youth Convention (SDYC), a 3-day student-organised Model United Nations (MUN) conference that focuses on issues of sustainable development.
  • May 2015 – May 2016 Appointed as Scientific Committee to the 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI) 30 May – 1 June 2016
  • Sep 2014 Invited as Industry Expert by BCA for IGBC 2014 event to co-chair workshop “Building Performance Simulation and Optimization”
  • July 2014 – May 2016 ASHRAE Singapore Chapter – Chairman for Chapter Technology Transfer Committee
  • July 2014 Invitation by BCA to participate in Industry Roundtable meeting and discussion on Futurescape 2025 on Powering Cities Sustainably – Building Energy Efficiency
  • May 2014 Nominated by Ministry of National Development (MND) Singapore as a World Cities Summit Young Leader in recognition of contribution to the field of urban liveability and sustainability; and attend the inaugural WCS Young Leaders Symposium, on 31st May 2014 in Singapore
  • Aug 2010 – present Invited reviewer for numerous peer-reviewed journals such as Building & Environment, Energy & Building, Sustainable Cities and Societies, Journal of Building Physics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Architectural Science Review, Science & Technology for the Built Environment.


  • PF4101
  • IPM4101
  • IPM4101t Dissertation


  • BPS5112: Green Building Integration and Evaluation Studio
  • ME6203 Mass Transport
  • ME6204: Convective Heat Transfer
  • ME6205: Advanced Topic Heat & Mass Transport


Computational Fluid Dynamics, Integrated Environmental Modelling, Building Performance and Sustainability, Building Physis and Moisture, Computational Fuel Cell Dynamics, Indoor & Outdoor Air Pollution


1. Ang, L., Cui, F. & Poh, H.J., (2024). Benchmarking the aircraft noise mapping package developed for a unified urban environmental modelling tool. Noise Mapping, 11(1), 20240001. https://doi.org/10.1515/noise-2024-0001

2. Zheng, A. Chong, H.J. Poh et al., Impact of building porosity on exterior convective heat transfer coefficients: An experimental and computational parametric study, Building and Environment (2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.111023

3.George Xu, Kendrick Tan, Zhengwei Ge, Hee Joo Poh, Chin Chun OOI, Yong ENG, Automatic selection of release plane for Lagrangian-based wind-driven rain studies, International Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 232 (2023) 105232. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jweia.2022.105242

4.Chiu P-H, Poh HJ. Development of an improved divergence-free-condition compensated coupled framework to solve flow problems with time-varying geometries. Int J Numer Meth Fluids. 2020;1–27. https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.4874

5.Woei-Leong Chan, Yong Eng, Zhengwei Ge, Chi Wan Calvin Lim, Like Gobeawan, Hee Joo Poh, Daniel Joseph Wise, Daniel Christopher Burcham, Daryl Lee, Yongdong Cui, Boo Cheong Khoo. Wind Loading on Scaled Down Fractal Tree Models of Major Urban Tree Species in Singapore. Forests 2020, 11, 803; https://doi:10.3390/f11080803

6.Poh, H.J.; Chan, W.L.; Wise, D.J.; Lim, C.W.; Khoo, B.C.; Gobeawan, L.; Ge, Z.; Eng, Y.; Peng, J.X.; Raghavan, V.S.G.; Jadhav, S.S.; Lou, J.; Cui, Y.D.; Lee, H.P.; Lin, E.S.; Burcham, D.C.; Lee, D.; Li, K.W.; Lee, I. Wind load prediction on single tree with integrated approach of L-system fractal model, wind tunnel and tree aerodynamic simulation. AIP Advances 10, 075202 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5144628

7.Chan, W.L.; Cui, Y.; Jadhav, S.S.; Khoo, B.C.; Lee, H.P.; Lim, C.W.C.; Gobeawan, L.; Wise, D.J.; Ge, Z.; Poh, H.J.; Raghavan, V.; Lin, E.S.; Burcham, D.C. Experimental study of wind load on tree using scaled fractal tree model. International Journal of Modern Physics B 2020, 2040087-1. https://doi:10.1142/S0217979220400871

8.C.C. Ooi, Z. Ge, H.J. Poh and G. Xu, Assessing effectiveness of physical barriers against wind-driven rain for different raindrop sizes, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 111 (2020), 186 – 194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.11.007

9.George Xu, Arthur Lim, Harish Gopalan, Jing Lou and Hee Joo Poh, “CFD Simulation of Chemical gas Dispersion under Atmospheric Boundary Conditions”, International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 17, No. 5 (2020) 1940011, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219876219400115

10.Ge Zhengwei, Xu George, Poh Hee Joo, Ooi Chin Chun, Xing, Xiuqing, CFD Simulations of Thermal Comfort for Naturally Ventilated School Buildings, (2019) IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 238 – 012073. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/238/1/012073

11.POH, HEE JOO; CHIU, Pao-Hsiung; NGUYEN, Hoang Huy; XU, Xiangguo, George; CHONG, Chiet Sing; LEE, Lai Tee; PO, Ken; TAN, Phay Ping; WONG, Nyuk-Hien; LI, Ruixin; LEE, Sui Fung; WONG, Ngian Chung, Airflow Modelling Software Development for Natural Ventilation Design – Green Building Environment Simulation Technology (GrBEST), (2019) IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 238 012077. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/238/1/012077

12.POH, HEE JOO; CHIU, Pao-Hsiung; OOI, Chin Chun; RAGHAVAN, Venugopalan; WAN, Yee Ming, Stephen; XU, Xiangguo, George; LI, Ruixin; Leong-Kok, Su-Ming, Development of GM2015 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Methodology for Naturally-ventilated Non-residential Buildings (NRB) in Singapore , (2019) IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 238 012079. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/238/1/012079

13.Bharathi Boppana, Chin Chun Ooi, Daniel Wise, Edward Zhmayev, Hee Joo Poh, CFD Assessment on Particulate Matter Filters in Urban Areas, Sustainable Cities and Society, 46 (2019), 101376, doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2018.12.004

14. Chin Chun Ooi, Pao-Hsiung Chiu, Venugopalan Raghavan, Stephen Wan & Hee Joo Poh, Porous Media Representation of Louvers in Building Simulations for Natural Ventilation, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 12 (2019), Issue 4, 494 – 503, https://doi.org/10.1080/19401493.2018.1510544

15. Wise, D.J., Boppana, V.B.L., Kelvin LI, Poh, H.J, Effects of Minor Changes in the Wind Direction on Urban Flow Simulations, Sustainable Cities and Society, 37 (2018), 492 – 500, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2017.11.041

16. Wei-Jiang Zhao, En-Xiao Liu, Hee Joo Poh, Binfang Wang, Si-Ping Gao, Ching Eng Png, Kelvin Wenhui Li, Shyh Hao Chong, 3D traffic noise mapping using unstructured surface mesh representation of buildings and roads, Applied Acoustics, Volume 127, 1 December 2017, pp. 297-304. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2017.06.025

17.Venugopalan S.G. Raghavan, Poh Hee Joo, Chiu Pao-Hsiung, Aytac Kubilay, Jonas Allegrini, Determination of Optimal Parameters for Wind Driven Rain CFD Simulation for Building Design in the Tropics, Procedia Engineering, Volume 180, 2017, Pages 1345-1354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.297

18. Pao-Hsiung Chiu, Venugopalan S.G. Raghavan, Hee Joo Poh, Erna Tanb, Osrithalit, Gabriela, Nyuk-Hien Wong, T. van Hooff, B. Blocken, Ruixin Li, Su Ming Leong-Kok, CFD Methodology Development for Singapore Green Mark Building Application, Procedia Engineering, Volume 180, 2017, Pages 1596-1602. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.322

19. Hee Joo POH, Mapping Singapore Urban Heat Island Phenomena, Asia Research News 2015, Environment, pg. 13, 2015. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/05/150526093228.htm

20. Van Bo Nguyen , Hee Joo Poh, Yong-Wei Zhang, Predicting shot peening coverage using multiphase computational fluid dynamics simulations, Powder Technology, Volume 256, Feb 2014, pp. 100 – 112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2014.01.097


  • Jan 2021 MTI Innovative Project/Policy Award 2020 (Silver) for Development of Integrated Environmental Modeller (IEM), a Multi-Physics Approach for Urban Microclimate Modelling and City Planning
  • Oct 2020 Named as top 100 outstanding researchers in Asia. The Asian Scientist 100, compiled by the Asian Scientist Magazine, is an annual compilation of continent’s brightest people that made a significant scientific discovery. https://www.asianscientist.com/as100/#2020
  • Oct 2019 President Technology Awards 2019 – For development of the Integrated Environmental Modeller (IEM), an advanced modelling tool that is capable of integrating combined wind-solar-noise environmental factors, their interrelationship, and their total impact on an urban setting
    Sep 2019 Winner of ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Awards 2019 for “Integrated Multi-Physics Approach for Urban Microclimate Modelling”. Dr. POH Hee Joo is project PI.
  • Aug 2019 Winner of IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2019 for project titled Integrated Multi-Physics Approach for Urban Microclimate Modelling. Dr. POH Hee Joo is project PI.
  • July 2019 Winner of 2019 Minister (National Development) R&D Merit Awards for project “Integrated Environmental Modeler” (IEM) which Dr. POH Hee Joo is project PI.
  • Apr 2015 MTI Borderless Silver Award for L2NIC project “Development of Integrated Multi-physics Urban Microclimatic Modelling Tool” at the 2015 MTI Awards Prize Ceremony at Firefly Symposium, 30 April 2015 @9.30am, The Matrix, Biopolis – to recognise and celebrate teams in the MTI family of agencies which demonstrated outstanding innovation and collaboration in their work
  • May 2014 Honored as a World Cities Summit Young Leader in recognition of his contribution to the field of urban liveability and sustainability and attending inaugural WCS Young Leaders Symposium, on 31st May 2014 in Singapore