
Our donors and partners have played a crucial role in supporting our students, research, and initiatives. Their commitment to driving societal change inspires us to achieve even more. An exclusive donor appreciation movie night was held at Golden Village (Suntec City), featuring an early showing of Gran Turismo. Over 500 donors and partners attended with their families and were given free tickets and snacks to enhance their movie experience. The four-day event fostered connections and allowed us to express our gratitude in person.

Shirley Lim Xinying, Biomedical Engineering, Class 2017, was one of those who attended. “Thanks for reaching out, and I really appreciate the work that Lynette and the team have put in to organise the appreciation event! It’s heart-warming to see fellow donors and alumni, and the movie choice is fantastic as well! I think this is a good start to rallying the alumni together, and hopefully, the spirit of giving gets stronger together, too. Thank you once again for organising! I had four years of fulfilling and meaningful learning experience at NUS, which would not have been possible without the university's and alumni's generous support. I am now blessed to be able to donate and pay it forward to the undergraduates of CDE!”

Vignesh Varatharaju from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, who had been a recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Bursary, had this to say, “The bursary has been a great support for my education in NUS. It has helped me to manage my family and personal expenses better and relieve stress over finances, which has helped me to focus more on my studies.”

As the credits rolled, it wasn't just about the movie but the unity between us, our donors, and our partners. This event wasn't just a big thank you from us to them but a promise to keep forging new frontiers … together.


Visit by James Dyson Foundation
The Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC) team was delighted to host a visit by representatives from the James Dyson Foundation on 8 August 2023. JDF made a gift of S$135k last year to support CDE’s Innovation & Design Hub, Artist-in-Residence programme and bGood initiative over 3 years. Dr Yen Shih-Cheng (EDIC Director) and Dr Elliot Law (EDIC Deputy Director) took our guests on a tour of the Innovation & Design Hub, where they learned about the various student projects and accomplishments that were on display. They also witnessed the 2D Design Using a Cricut Maker Workshop live-in-action, where 15 first-year students from various design and engineering disciplines were acquiring skills in using the versatile cutting equipment to create rapid prototypes. We are thankful for the James Dyson Foundation’s affirmative feedback and valuable suggestions on the Hub and look forward to continued partnership in the years ahead!