CDE Notices

Organised by the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES), the National Engineers Day (NED) is an annual festival that celebrates the engineering profession. The event seeks to enhance the recognition of engineers and their valuable contributions to society, motivate aspiring young engineers and promote awareness about exciting engineering career prospects among students.

Building on the success of previous editions, NED 2024 embraces the theme ‘Innovating a Circular Economy through Engineering’ to underscore the significance of the circular economy in bolstering our nation’s long-term resilience. It aims to help students and the general public understand and embrace the immense potential of harnessing engineering for waste reduction and increasing resource efficiency.

Scheduled to be held from 2 to 13 July 2024, the 14th edition of NED will offer an array of talks, workshops and guided tours to showcase the ingenuity of engineers, highlight innovative projects and provide insights into engineering career prospects.

NED 2024 will once again feature the Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC) as a centrepiece – a nationwide competition designed to inspire students from secondary schools to universities to create innovative engineering solutions for real-world challenges. With the support of the Ministry of Education and industry collaborators, the 11th EIC will provide participants with practical experience and a platform to showcase their problem-solving capabilities under the mentorship of practising engineers.

For more information about National Engineers Day and the activities during this festival, click here.

We are pleased to inform you that the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards and the IES Sustainability Awards for 2024 are now open for nominations.

These two esteemed awards honour individuals and organisations for their exemplary achievements in breaking new grounds in engineering to support Singapore’s transformation towards a climate-resilient and sustainable future.

IES Sustainability Awards
Launched in 2023, the IES Sustainability Awards recognise outstanding engineering contributions to sustainable development in Singapore. Conceived as a key initiative of the IES Green Plan 2030, the awards are designed to inspire engineers to advance Singapore’s sustainable development agenda by innovating and designing solutions to safeguard the world’s physical, biological and human systems.

The awards comprise three categories: Completed Engineering Projects with Sustainability Features and Practices, Innovative Solutions for Sustainability and Promising Start-ups for Sustainability.

The inaugural awards were presented to 10 engineering teams at the IES 57th Annual Dinner in November 2023, attesting to brilliant efforts of engineers to realise sustainable development.

IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards
Since 2013, the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards have recognised outstanding engineering projects in four categories: Applied Research and Development, Engineering Project, Technology Innovation, and Student or IES Young Creators Awards. The awards celebrate engineering excellence and its impact on improving quality of life.

The closing date for nomination for both awards is 1 July 2024. Nominees will go through a rigorous and holistic evaluation process. The winners will be honoured at the IES 58th Annual Dinner on 15 October 2024.

IES warmly welcomes all CDE staff and students to nominate noteworthy projects that have made significant contributions to the industry and society for these awards. It is a valuable opportunity to spotlight your engineers and their successes while increasing public appreciation of engineering and inspiring the young generation to become engineers.

Please submit your nomination entries via the links for the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards and the IES Sustainability Awards.

The International Building Design Competition (IBDC) 2024 aims to encourage students to explore their creativity in the realm of design & engineering as they hypothesize their future built environment.

The competition offers a platform for Design & Engineering students in inter-disciplinary teams to showcase their innovative ideas and to push the boundaries of architectural innovation, sustainable design, and collaborative working practices.

Winning teams will receive attractive cash prizes, and the top 3 teams:
1st Prize - $6,000
2nd Prize - $4,500
3rd Prize - $3,000
Special Category Prizes - $1,500 each
Honourable Mention Prizes - $500 each

Registration will close on the 28 June 2024, and this year’s edition features an exciting 5-day “Design Sprint” format! All registered teams will meet online on Day 1 (1 July 2024) where IBDC Organising Committee (IBDC OC) will release the Competition Brief to everyone. Each team then goes off to explore the theme & design on their own, submitting the requirements by Day 5 (5 July 2024)!

Registration is free of charge, and all current undergraduate and post-graduate students who are scheduled for graduation in 2024* are eligible to take part.

Please visit the competition website for more information and the registration details.

WISH&EOCD are hosting the first Lunch & Learn of 2024 seminar series on 8th July! We are very excited to have speaker and panellists who are on the forefront of Medtech innovation, Dr Rena Dharmawan, Consultant Surgeon, National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), Dr. Yudara Kularathne, CEO of HeHealth, and A/Prof Tan Thiam Chye, Medical Director of O&G The Women’s Medical Specialist, share their insightfuls on how Medtech is transforming healthcare delivery and presenting exciting opportunities for innovation. Join our host and facilitator, A/Prof Shefaly Shorey for a perceptive session on the Emergence of Medtech in Asia.

We welcome all staff and students from CDE to join us!

Date: 8th July 2024, Monday
Time: 12 - 2 pm <inclusive of bento lunch>
Venue: MD11, CRC Auditorium
To register: Please click here or scan the QR code on the poster

Formerly known as CityEx, AkiVAL 2024 is a celebration of the achievements of students in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Master’s Programmes from the past academic year. Organised by a committee of students from the DoA and TAS, this exhibition showcases the milestones and creative endeavours of the students throughout the department. The Opening Night marks the beginning of this meaningful exhibition and serves as an opportunity for industry professionals and educators to meet the talented students from DoA whose works are featured in the exhibition.

The digital exhibition booklet may be viewed here.

Date: 6 July - 27 July 2024
Venue: SDE 3 Level 1 & 2 Design Studios

To learn more about the event, click here.

Physical exercise has significant health benefits that contribute to our overall well-being. The CDE Exercise Classes 2024 is an initiative to motivate and engage staff in regular physical activity. We hope to garner as much staff participation as possible, in hopes of promoting health and wellness amongst our CDE colleagues. More classes may be planned if we have an overwhelming response. Do join us today!

Join us for an exciting lineup of activities we have planned for the next few months! Our CDE Bring Your Children to Work event and Staff lunch on 31st May will be the perfect opportunity for you to bond and connect with your colleagues. In June and July, get ready for some energetic exercise classes that will help you stay fit and healthy. Don't miss out on the highlight of our calendar, the CDE Annual dinner on 2nd August at Fairmont Singapore. Dress in your best Retro outfit and take a nostalgic walk down memory lane with us! Lastly, we invite you to contribute to our Society by participating in our monthly community project in partnership with Food From The Heart. Join us in making a difference in our community.

We're delighted to share that the James Dyson Award will open from 6 March – 17 July and all students are welcome to enter the international design competition.

The James Dyson Award provides the opportunity for engineering and design students to win up to S$50,500 to support the development of their invention, as well as global media exposure to really get their idea on the map.

The Competition’s Brief:

  • Design something that solves a problem. This problem may be a frustration that we all face in daily life, or a global issue. The important thing is that the solution is effective and demonstrates considered design thinking.


  • The competition accepts individual and team submission (up to 10 pax) from current students in university or recent graduates in the last four years from design or engineering disciplines.
  • For individual submission – candidate must be from product design, industrial design, or any engineering verticals background.
  • For group submission (up to 10 pax) – only group leader must be from product design, industrial design, or any engineering verticals background.

The prize:

  • International winners, chosen by Sir James Dyson, will be awarded up to S$50,500.
  • International runners-up receive S$8,400.
    National winner receives S$8,400.

What can winners expect?

  • Prize money. National winners receive S$8,400 and global winners up to S$50,500 to put towards the next phase of their invention’s development.
  • Media attention. Winners receive interest from the media, public and industry professionals when the James Dyson Award announces its winners, opening doors and catalysing conversations to support product development and networking.

What makes a good entry?

  • Winning entries often show clear and intelligent solutions to real-world problems.
  • Last year, E Ian Siew, from the National University of Singapore and the inventor of Auxobrace was crowned the National Winner and Global Top 20 for his invention. He created a rehabilitation device that supports the recovery of patients who have undergone open heart surgery. We would like to see more ingenious solutions from young and bright minds this year!

For additional information, please visit:

Since 2021 EY’s has been hosting global Data Challenges on real live world problems such as: preventing bush fires, safeguarding eco-systems, food security and this year Coastal Resilience. The EY Open Science Data Challenge gives early-career professionals and university students the opportunity to use data, artificial intelligence and technology to help build a sustainable future for society and the planet.

EY's 2024 challenge focuses on coastal resilience. Today, nearly 75% of the world’s population lives within 50 kilometers of the ocean. Coastal zones host critical ecosystems, infrastructure and economic assets. So, it’s of growing concern that these stretches of land are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. With the opportunity to use AI for good, participants will use high-resolution datasets to model coastal vulnerability and climate risk and assess tropical storm damage.  These models will help communities develop strategies for mitigating and recovering from severe climate events. 

The official launch date for the EY Data Challenge is February 1, 2024.

Last year, 13.000 participants of 119 different countries, out of 430 different universities and schools registered for the challenge. The finalists are entitled to win cash prizes up to $ 10,000 and are invited to an award ceremony in Athens, Greece, where they will meet leadership, decision takers and the beneficiaries of EY's program, as well the opportunity to present their winning solutions at the conference.

NUS was part of the Top 50 participating universities worldwide last year, and students are invited this year again to participate in this amazing initiative.

For more information, please visit: EY Open Science Data Challenge Platform

In July 2023, the Institution of Engineers, Singapore, via its Engineering Accreditation Board, awarded accreditation to the Bachelor of Engineering programmes in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering offered by the National University of Singapore. This accreditation applies to the graduating classes in the Academic Years 2022/2023 through 2026/2027. Furthermore, accreditation was also granted to the Bachelor of Technology programme in Civil Engineering for the graduating classes in the Academic Years 2020/2021 through 2026/2027.

NUS Cities will be launching two new elective courses on top of two existing ones in AY23-24 Semester 1. They are CDE3504 Smart Cities and CDE3505 Planning and Governing Cities.   

CDE3505 Planning and Governing Cities serves to provide students with the foundation that allows for the three livability outcomes – a competitive economy, sustainable environment, and high quality of life – to be achieved. CDE3504 Smart Cities aims to design smart, innovative, sustainable solutions to create a competitive economy, which is one of the key quality of life indicators.  

  • Specialisation in Community Healthcare and Technology for the Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) programme.
  • Specialisation in Microelectronics & Quantum Materials for the Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering) and Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) programmes

The Staff Appreciation Initiative has been going on for some time now! It has been heartwarming to see so many of our staff appreciated by colleagues. Often crossing department boundaries. This is the CDE community spirit in action!

Click HERE for more information on this initiative.


Other Notices

CDE Dean's Monthly Message

Issue 06 2024
Issue 05 2024
Issue 04 2024
Issue 03 2024
Issue 02 2024
Issue 01 2024
Issue 12 2023
Issue 11 2023
Issue 10 2023
Issue 09 2023
Issue 08 2023
Issue 07 2023