5G Lab


Welcome to 5G Lab of Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology

5G Use Cases

Click Here to watch the full video of 5G Lab MOU Launch at SDE4 Zero Energy Building (ZEB)

5G Theme Videos

5G Centre overview video : Click here to watch video

5G Digital Twin : Click here to watch video

5G Building Maintenance and Operations : Click here to watch video

5G Safety and Security : Click here to watch video

5G Health and Wellness: Click here to watch video


SDE 4- First 5G Net Zero Building

NUS signed MOU with StarHub in Dec 2019 to launch first 5G net zero building. The 5G consumer equipment are installed in Jan 2020. NUS got IMDA trial license in Feb 2020 and now have a functional 5G lab. The 5G AR/VR/BIM Lab is housed in SDE4 to explore and research on AR, VR , BIM, Robotics,Video Analytics, IoT, Digital Twin using 5G network, supported by advanced equipment and devices.

Equipment and Devices


The 5G-XR Lab has multiple drones. These drones are used to conduct research on use of drone for various building inspection and facilities management activities.


The 5G AR/VR/BIM Lab has a combination of various VR devices to cater to different research needs. The lab has XRSPACE VR headsets which is the first 5G network enabled VR headset.The lab also have HTC Vive wired devices, HTC vive cosmos (wireless devices), Vive Focus Plus (All-in-one devices), and Occulus Quest2. All the VR devices are supported by independently allocated high powered customized individual PCs/Laptops to each devices. These devices are used in teaching students, research and development of customized VR applications for pedagogical purpose and research.


The 5G  Lab has Hololens 2 MR devices to cater to different research needs. These devices are used in teaching students, research and development of customized MR applications for pedagogical purpose and research. In our future research, we are planning to connect the MR device with our custom developed Digital Twin.


The 5G AR/VR/BIM Lab dedicated Handheld devices like iPads, Android Pads, 5G hand-phones for AR development and research. These devices are used to teach students augmented reality using BIM. Students learn how to develop augmented reality 3Ds using 2D plans


The 5G AR/VR/BIM Lab has multiple LIDAR devices. Extensive research using LIDAR is done in the lab for AI based automatic conversion of existing building to BIM, BIM for FM and BIM for productivity enhancement and reducing manpower.


The 5G-XR Lab has various advanced cameras installed to conduct research on smart security and surveillance based research . These cameras are used for conducting research on video analytics and computer vision.


The 5G-XR Lab has holographic TVs for showcasing holographic experiences

86 Inch TV

The 5G-XR Lab has WIFI+Touchscreen Hikvision TV for showcasing Digital Twin experiences


Human Temp. Measuring Robot

Disinfection Robot

AGV Robot


Outdoor Surveillance Robot

Social Distancing Robot

Robot Dogs


Robotic Arm

Vertical Facade Cleaning Robot

Cleaning Robot

Digital Twin Platform

Digital Twin

Digital Twin

The 5G AR/VR/BIM Lab has 5G based Digital Twin application to connect the data coming from robots, IoT sensors and cameras into a single platform. This Digital Twin will help to enhance technological trends using advanced analytical capabilities, monitoring facility,enhancing remote maintenance, and developing predictive capabilities for better smart facilities management.

Green Room

5GDBT green room

Green Room

The 5G AR/VR/BIM Lab has a dedicated green room to shoot actors against CGI backgrounds, but it also syncs up with the Vive headset to overlay in-VR objects over the player's body.